① 然而,在个别情况下,尽管本合同选择只适用一般法律原则,代理人国家的法院可能仍然决定适用代理人所在国的强制性法律规范。
Of course this solution,while avoiding the particularities ofnational laws,implies(at least for matters not expresslygoverned by the contract clauses)the recourse to less precise(and predictable)rules than those contained in the domesticlaws on agency(although not all countries have detailed ruleson commercial agency contracts).
The drafting group is of the opinion that this can be overcomeby making a reference to the UNIDROIT Principles ofInternational Commercial Contracts①. whieh ofier areasonably foreseeable legal framework for most issues whichmay arise.
In fact,the UNIDROIT Principles offer adequate solutions tothe majority of contractual problems of a more general nature(e.g.formation of contract,validity,performance,non-performance,damages,etc.).一0nly in some veryexceptional cases the provisions of the UNIDROIT Principlesmay not actually reflect the expectations of internationaltrade②:however,when this happens the general principlesof international trade and the trade usages will prevail oversuch particular provisions of the UNIDROIT Principles on thebasis of Article 24.1.A.,which puts the various sourcesincorporated by reference in the following hierarchical
①The text of the Unidroit Principles can be found in Appendix 2.
②This may be the case with respect to certain rules which protect the disadvantaged party to an extentwhich goes beyond the standards which are usual in出e business to business relations:see for instlmce,Article3.10.on gross disparity(particularly as concerns the end of the sentence in para l(a),where reference ismade t0"the improvidence,ignorance,inexperience or lack of bargaining skill"of a party in order to justifycontract avoidance)and the rules on hardship contained in Articles 6.2.1.一6.2.3.(particularly with regardto the rule authorizing courts to modify the contract terms).Of course,parties may also expressly exclude theapplication of specific rules they consider inappropriate.
① 国际统一私法学会原则文本可见附录二。
② 该原则的某些条款在保护弱势一方利益方面超出了商业关系中通常的标准,就属这种情况。例如,该原则关于地位严重不对等的第3条第l0款(尤其是第l(a)节句末提到的作为撤销合同理由的"一方考虑不周、无知、缺乏经验或者谈判技巧"),以及第6.2.1至6.2.3条中关于艰难情势的条款。当然,双方也可以明确地将他们认为不合适的特定条款排除在外。
order: contract clauses, general principles of law,trade usages,UNIDROIT principles.This also implies that,even when the UNIDROIT Principles provide that certain ofits rules are mandatory,such rules will not prevail over thecontractual clauses,general principles of law or tradeusages•
In any case,if the parties wish to have their contractgovemed by a specific national law,they can use thealternative set forth in Article 24.1.B.In such case theyshould carefully check if this model form conforrns to allprovisions and/or judicial precedents of the national law theyhave chosen①.This alternative(national law)is preferable ifparties submit the contract to the jurisdiction of ordinarycourts(see Article 23.)instead of arbitration.
Antitrust Rules of the European community(Article 81.and Regulation 2790.)
The European Commission enacted on 22 December l999Regulation n.2790/1999 which replaces(inter alia)Regulation l983/83 and which came into force on l June2000.Such regulation exempts certain vertical agreementsfrom the prohibition of Article 81.of the EC Treaty.
①In any case(even if no choice of a national law has been made),according to Article 24.2.,themandatory rules of the agent'S country which would be applicable independently from the applicable law the SOcalled"lois de police")must be considered.
3. 欧洲共同体反垄断法
① 在任何情况下(即使没有选择任何国家法律的情况下),根据第24.2条,在准据法之外独立适用的代理人国家的强制性法律规范(所谓的"公共政策法'')必须被考虑在内。
As a general rule agency agreements do not fall under theprohibition of Article 81.of the EC Treaty because they ayenot considered to constitute an agreement betweenindependent undertakings for the purpose of Article 81.Onlyin special cases where the agent bears risks or costs relatingto the sale of the goods which would normally be for theprincipal(e.g.advertisin9,transportation,repair andassistance of products,stock of products and/or spareparts),Article 81.may apply and the parties will have tocheck if the contract conforms to Regulation 2790/1999山.Under such regulation the agent must have the right to acceptnon solicited orders from customers outside the contractualterritory;he must be free to grant price reductions on his owncommission;a possible non-competition clause(prohibitionto promote products of competitors of the principal)shouldnot last more than five years and should in any case not applyafter contract termination.
Since situations where contracts with commercial agents fallunder Article 81.aye rather exceptional,this model contractdoes not contain clauses specifically drafted to meet thissituation.If parties think that their agency contract might fallunder Article 81.,they should seek expert advice fordrafting the appropriate clauses.
①F0r furtIIer details,see paragraphs l2.一22.。f the Guidelines on Vertical Restraints of me
European ComIllission(C。remission notice published in OJ C 2910f 13.10•2000)•
① 详见欧洲委员会关于纵向限制的指导方针,第12至第22节(发布于2000年10月13日的上的欧洲委员会通知)。
4.Sales through Internet
Since e-'commerce has opened new possibilities formarketing products,the task force has decided to deal withthe issue if and,to what extent sales made by the principalthrough his website should fall under the exclusivity,byadding a new Article l3.4.
The issue is not simple since the situations where theprincipal sells through his website may be very different.
。In some cases(e.g.for products sold directly toprofessional users,such as machine tools)theprincipal will reach through Internet exactly thesame customers that aye contacted by the agent.
。In other cases Internet will be a means to promotethe products to new customers,which are notactually in the reach of the agent.For example,awine producer sells through Internet to consumers,while the agent promotes sales to wine shops,restaurants,wholesalers,etc.
While the first situation implies that the principal is makingdirect sales on the same market where the agent is carryingout his activity(and it appears therefore appropriate towarrant the agent full commission on such sales),in thesecond case theprincipalisopeninganewdistribution
channel and it may therefore be reasonable not to recognizethe agent a commission on such sales,provided the Intemetsales do not interfere with the agent'S activity.
It is for this reason that the task force decided to have twoalternative solutions,respectively in Articles l 3.4.A.and13.4.B.Parties are invited to use alternative B.only incases where the sales through Internet do not appreciablyinterfere with the agent'S activity.
Provisions on indemnity
There aye provisions in a certain number of countries whichgrant the agent an indemnity if the contract expires or isterminated for reasons other than a defauh attributable to theagent.Such"indemnity"may be construed as acompensation for goodwill created by the agent and whichaccrues to the principal after the end of the contract,or as acompensation for the loss suffered by the agent(e.g.thecommissions he would have earned had the contract lasted fora longer period or the investments he would have amortized ifthe contract had not been terminated)as a consequence ofthe expiration or termination of the contract.
nese two solutions have been incorporated(as alternatives)in Articles l7.2.and l7.3.of the EC Directive.In factthey have the same purpose,i.e.to compensate the agentfor the loss of goodwill when the contract is terminatedwithout his fault:we will hereafter refer to the above
indemnity or compensation as"goodwiH indemnity".
On the other side,there are many COUntries which do notforesee any right to a goodwill indemnity in fayour of theagent①.
Under these conditions it appears appropriate to give theparties the opportunity to choose if they wish to include or notthe indemnity provision in their contract.For this pu叩ose,Article 21.provides two alternatives(A and B)in order tocover the different situations.
It is strongly recommended to choose alternative A wheneverthe right to indemnity is recognised by the law of the agent,scountry;in particular,as concerns EC countries,alternativeB of Article 21.would conflict with mandatory rules of thelegislation of the agent's place of business.It should benoted that the European Court of Justice has ruled that whenthe agent performs his contractual activity within theEuropean Union the rules on indemnity of the Directive mustapply even if the parties have submitted the contl.act to thet law of a non-EU country②.
④Like,for exampl e,most common law countries(with the exception of Great Britain,w}IichIntrodu0。d the indemnity in order to implement the EC Directive of l986)and in general c0∞矗es where n0statutory rules protecting the agent exist•This does not exclude-of course-tllat tIle agfmt m8y be entined t0compen8砒10n for damages suffered as a consequence of a contract temination which啪omlts to a breach of thecontract by the principal.
② Se。Court of Justice,judgment of9 November 2000,Case C一381/98,Ingrn"GB Ltd.v.Eaton
当代理人国家的法律承认补偿的权利时,强烈建议选择A选项,尤其是对于欧盟国家来说,第21条的B选项会与代理人营业国法律的强制性条款冲突。同时应该注意到,欧洲法院(European Court of Justice)已经裁决,当代理人在欧盟国家中实施代理活动时,即使双方将合同交由非欧盟国家法律管辖,条例中关于补偿的条款也必须适用②。
① 例如,绝大多数普通法国家(英国除外,其为了实施l986年欧盟条例采用了补偿条款)以及没有保护代理人的成文法规范的一般国家。当然这并不排除当合同终止构成委托人违约时,对代理人所受损失的赔偿。
② 详见2000年11月9日欧洲法院判决,c一381/98案例,Ingmar GB Ltd.对Eaton LeonardTechnobgiesoFurthermore,even in cases where the legislation of theagent'S country has no rules on indemnity,it may be fair togrant it to the agent,particularly if this conforms withinternational trading practice in that particular business and/or area.
As concerns the system of indemnification,the model formhas incorporated the principles contained in Article l7.2.ofthe EC Directive,i.e.the"German"system,which appearsto be prevailing in the countries which recognize theindemnitv①.
Resolution of disputes:ADR,arbitration,national courts
6.1. Arbitration
Since the model form iS a set of unifcIriB contractual rules,avoiding(as far as possible)the direct application ofconflicting domestic legislations,it is appropriate thatpossible disputes be solved by a uniform resolution system,organized on an international level.
From this point of view the most appropriate solutionappears to be international commercial arbitration(see①This means that the indemnity system of the model form is not in strict compliance with the laws ofthe countries(1ike France)which foHow the alternative solution set forth in Article l7.3.of the EC Directive.However,since the model form meets the requirements of the EC Directive it is likely that the non compliancewith a sDecific solution of a law based On the same Directive should not give rise to problems.
6. 争议解决:友好争议解决(ADR),仲裁,国家法院
① 这意味着示范合同的补偿制度并不完全与采用欧洲委员会条例第l7条第3款规定的选择方案的国家(例如法国)的法律完全一致。然而,因为此示范文本满足条例的要求,其与基于同一条例的法律的特定规范的不符不应该导致任何问题。
particularly Article 23.2.A.)and this is the reason why inArticle 23.2.arbitration is the"default solution"whichapplies automatically if the parties make no choice(seeArticle 25.1.).
However,recourse to arbitration is not recommended in caseswhere the dispute may be considered as non--arbitrable(i.e."not capable of settlement by arbitration")accordingto the New York Convention of l958.The above risk existsin particular under national laws which assimilate agents toemployees(see hereunder,f 7.2.),whenever this impliesa special jurisdiction for disputes of this type①.In thesesituations it is advisable to contract with agents who ale legalpersons(see hereafter,』7.2.),or to choose othersolutions for the resolution of disputes,e.g.by submittingpossible disputes to national courts(see hereunder,』6.2.).
6.2. Jurisdiction of national courts
Under Article 23.28.the parties may choose to submitpossible disputes to the national courts indicated in suchclause.
When choosing this alternative parties must check whetherthe choice of forum clause iS effective in the countriesinv01ved
① E.g.in France,with regard to VRP(Voyageurs,repr6sentants placiers),and in Belgium for"repr6sentants de commerce".0r for agents acting mainly with personal resources(Italy).In all these easesthe national law provides an exclusive jurisdiction(specialized in labour disputes)which cannot be excluded byan arbitration clause.
① 法国有关VRP(Voyageurs,repr6sentants placiers)、比利时有关"商业代表"、在意大利主要以个人资源进行活动的代理人。在以上情况下,国家法律规定了专属司法管辖权(专门解决劳务纠纷),仲裁条款不能排除该专属司法管辖权。
It may be advisable to try to solve the dispute withoutlitigation through the"recourse to an amicable method ofdispute resolution,i.e.to a procedure aiming at facilitatingan amicable settlement of the controversy.In fact a qualifiedneutral(mediator)will often be able to help parties to agreeupon a settlement,thus avoiding the recourse to arbitrationor to courts.
Under Article 23.1.each party may propose to the other partyto proceed to ADR under the ICC ADR Rules①,but suchrequest is without prejudice to the proceedings under Article23.2.This means that ADR is optional and does in no waylimit the parties'fight to have recourse to arbitration or tonational courts(according to the choice made under Article23.2.). 、
If the parties wish that ADR should be obligatory,i.e.thatparties should be bound to submit the dispute to settlementproceedings before starting arbitration or submitting thedispute to courts,they should modify Article 23.1.appropriately②.
①The ICC ADR Rules(Publication n.809)were adopted by the ICC Executive Board in 2001 and are
effective as of l July 2001.The rules cn be found On the web site www.iceadr.or9.
②See for example the clauses suggested in the ICC ADR Rules(Publication n.809).
6.3 ADR友好争议解决
① 国际商会ADR规则(第809号出版物)于2001年由国际商会执行局通过,于2001年7月1日起施行。规则条款详见网站www.iccadr.or9。
② 可以参考国际商会ADR规则(第809号出版物)中介绍的条款。
7.Scope of application
This model form has been prepared on the assumption that itwould apply only to international agency agreements,withse l f-employed commercial agents,acting for the sale oi'goods.
7.1. International agreements
In this respect it is undisputable that international agencycontracts should be governed by special rules in order to takeinto account the special situation which exists in an agencyagreement between parties of two different countries.
Since the present model form has been established especiallyfor these situations,it will,in principle,not be appropriatefor domestic contracts,i.e.contracts between parties havingtheir place of business in the same country.
The parties are therefore advised not to use this model form
for domestic contracts,unless they check which amendmentsare necessary in order to comply with a local situation.
7.1 国际协议
7.2. Contracts with employed agents
In several countries special rules govern contracts with agentsqualified as employees①,0r more generally with agentsassimilated to the status of employees②。
In countries of the above type there is a risk that the agentmay be qualified(independently of the definition given in thecontract)as an employee and that consequently the rulesapplicable to employed agents(which will in many casesconflict with the provisions of this model form)will apply.A simple way to avoid such problems,particularly in thecontext of this model form,could be to contract with agentswho are legal persons e.g.companies)③:this solution isespecially recommended when the agent is established in acountry where a wide notion of employed agents(or agentsassimilated to employed agents)is accepted by the law oriufisprudenee.
① E.g.in Fr8nce,with regard to vRP(Voyageurs,reprfisentants placiers),and in Belgiunl forreDr色semants de commerce.The above rules establish a presumption that the agent is an employee:thus'even if the contract clearly states that the agent is independent,he will in principle be considered to be anemDloyee.In the Netherlands,labollr law may apply to the S0-called"Einfirmenvertreter",i•e•agentswhich represent only one principal.
②E.g.in Italy the special precedllral roles(wllich exclude inter alia recourse to arbiⅡation)whichgovem employment contracts also apply to agency contracts,in all cases where the agent has no importantorgaIli∞tion of his own,bm is acting mainly with his own family and personal resolxl℃es•
圆 Since it is normally admitted that a legal entity cannot,by definition be considered as∞employee
① 例如法国关于VRP(voyageurs,repr6sentants placiers)、比利时关于''商业代理''的规则。这些规则将代理人视为委托人的雇员,因此,即使合同明确规定了代理人是独立的,其在原则上仍被认为是雇员。在荷兰,劳动法可能适用于所谓的"Einfirmenvertret。。",即只代表一个委托人的代理人。
② 例如在意大利,管辖雇佣合同的特别程序规则(其将仲裁排除在外)也适用于代理合同,只要代理人没有其自己重要的组织形式,而是以自己的家庭以及个人资源进行活动。
③ 因为通常情况下,一个法人实体从定义上不能视为被雇佣者。
7.3. Buying agents
This model is meant for agents who represent a seller ofgoods,without taking into account S0-called"buyingagents"(i.e.agents who promote the purchase of goods,acting for the buyer).
7.4. "Service''agents
The model form iS intended for the most common case ofagents selling goods,and could need adaptation should it beapplied to agents concerned with the promotion of services.7.5. Consignment of the goods
It happens frequently that the principal wishes to appoint theagent as consignee of a stock of goods or spare pads)placedin the agent'S country.This involves however a number ofspecial problems which should be dealt with in a separatecontract.Consequently the problems of consignment of goodsh爿vp nnt bPpn nnnsidered in this model form.
8. 一
Precautions for use of the model form
Any model contract should,to the extent possible,beadapted to the circumstances of a specific ease.
Of course,in theory the best solution consists in drafting
7.3 买万代理
7.4 "服务"代理
an individual contract based on existing model forms in orderto take account of all the specific requirements of the parties.However,the parties aye often not in a position to prepare aspecific contract and prefer to have recourse to a ready--to-use balanced model form:in this case they will ask for amodel which can be used as it stands,without any need tomake modifications or additions.
The present model is an attempt to achieve a balance betweenthese two possibilities.
ICC has tried to work out a single solution on every issue.However,where this has not been possible(see e.g.Articles 8.and l8,21,23 and 24.1.),alternatives havebeen suggested.
Such alternative solutions have been presented side--by--side under the letters A and B,in order to t30int out that onlyone of them can apply.
Therefore,before signing the contract,the parties must deridewhich of the alternative solutions they choose,and thencancel the alternative they do not want to apply.
In any event,the model form provides that,if theparties do not make a choice by canceling onealternative,one of them will automatically applyaccording to Articles 25.1.and 25.2.of the model from.There are also a number of points where the parties must fiUin their requirements:definition of the territory and the
products,amount of commission,etc.
All such points have been put in the annexes to thisdocument,SO that the parties can 6ll in and f wherenecessary)modify such annexes during the life of thecontract,without making changes to the basic text of thecontract.
Before signing the contract the parties should(and must-as far as Annex VI is concerned)fill in the Annexesand,if appropriate,delete the parts they do not need.In order to avoid misunderstandings the parties should,when signing the contract,put their initials on each pageof the contract and of the Annexes, in order to make surewhich amendments they have agreed upon or whichalternative solutiotions they have chosen.
The Annexes have been construed throughout SO that(exceptfor Annex VI regarding commission)even when the partiesdo not fill in some points,a solution can be found within thePnntraPt
Betweenwhose registered office is at•••••••••
(hereinafter called"the Principal")and
whose registered office is at•••••••••(hereinafter called"the Agent")
IT IS AGREED AS FoLLoWSArticle l.①Territory and Products1.1.The Principal appoints the Agent,who accepts,as
his commercial agent,to promote the sale of theproducts listed in Annex l,§l.(hereinaftercalled"the Products")in the territory defined inAnnex l,§2.(hereinafter called"the Territory").①Parties may wish to limit the scope of the contract to certain categories of customers.In this casethey should exactly define the group of customers for which the agent is appointed and make sure that thel℃isno overlap with other agents or distributors.It should also be taken into account that limiting the scope of thecontract to certain categories of customers will reflect on other clauses,like for example Article l3.(Exclusivity)and Article l5.1.(Commission)which need to be modified印propriately.
国际商会商业代理示范合同甲 方:
乙 方:--
第1条① 地区及产品
1.1 受委托人指定,代理人同意作为其商业代理,促进附件一§l中所列产品(以下称"指定产品")在附件一§2所指定的地区(以下称"指定地区")的销售。
① 合同双方可能希望将本合同适用范围限制在某些类型的客户之内。在这种情况下,双方应明确规定指定代理人负责的客户类型,并确保没有同其他代理人或分销商负责的范围交迭。同时需要注意的是,限制客户的范围将导致其他条款的变更,例如第l3条(排他性)以及第15.1条(佣金),这些条款也需要相应调整。
1.2. If the Principal decides to sell any otherproducts in the Territory,he shall inform theAgent in order to discuss the possibility ofincluding them within the Products definedunder Article l.1.However,the aboveobligation to inform the Agent does not applyif,in consideration of the characteristics ofthe new products and the specialization of theAgent,it is not to be expected that suchproducts may be represented by the Agent(e.g.products of a completely different laRge).
Article 2. Good faith and fair dealing
2.1. In carrying out their obligations under thiscontract the parties will act in accordance withgood faith and fair dealin9.
2.2.The provisions of this contract,as well as anystatements made by the parties in connectionwith this agency relationship, shall beinterpreted in good faith.
Article 3. Agent'S functions
3.1.The Agent agrees to use his best endeavours topromote the sale of the Products in the Territoryin accordance with the Principal'S reasonableinstructions and shall protect the Principal'Sinterests with the diligence of a responsiblebusinessman.
2.1 在履行本合同项下义务时,合同双方应遵
2.2 本合同的规定,以及双方做出的与此代理关系相关的声明,应根据诚信原则解释。第3条代理人职责
3.2.The Agent shall。not solicit orders from outsidethe Territory unless permitted to do SO by thePrincipal.Where the Agent negotiates withcustomers in the Territory business whichresuhs in contracts of sale with customersestablished outside the Territory①,Article15.2.shall apply.
3.3. Unless otherwise specifically agreed,the Agenthas no authority to make contracts on behalf of,or in any way to bind the Principal towards thirdparties②.He only solicits orders from customersfor the Principal,who is free(save as set forthin Article 4.2.hereafter)to accept or to rejectthem③.
3.4. When negotiating with customers,the Agentshall offer Products strictly in accordance withthe terms and conditions of the contract nf sale
① E.g.for goods to be sold to a subsidiary established in another country:the agent is acting withinhis territory,but the sale is made to a foreign customer,and the agent would have(in absence of Article15.2.)no right to commission.
②The other alternative,i.e.to give the agent the authority to conclude contracts on behalf of theprincipal,has not been considered in the model form,since it is rather uncommon in international trade.Ofcourse,if the parties have special reasons for permiaing the agent to make contacts on behalf of the principal,they can so provide in Article 3.3.
③ It should be noted that in certain cases the third party(customer)may rely on the apparent authorityof the agent:this means that,especially in legal systems where it is common that the agent is authorized tO acton behalf of the principal,the exclusion of any such authority provided for in the contract between principaland agent(1ike Article 3.3.of this model form)does not necessarily bind a third party which had good reasonsto rely on the apparent authority of the agent.It is,therefore,recommended that the principal avoids anyaction which may give third parties the impression that the agent has representative powers,and that heinforms,if necessary and possible,third parties that the agent has no authority to bind the principal.
3.3 除非双方另有明确约定,代理人无权代表委托人与第三方签署合同②,或者以任何方式使委托人同第三方形成有约束力的关系。代理人只是为委托人从客户处争取订单,而委托人有权接受或者拒绝订单(第4.2条规定的除外)③。
3.4 与客户谈判时,代理人应该严格按照委托
0 例如,将产品销售给另一个国家的分公司时,代理人是在指定地区内行事,但是货物将销售至另一国家的客户,代理人将无权获得佣金(如果没有第15.2条的话)。
② 另外一种可能,即给予代理人代表委托人订立合同的授权,在本示范合同中未予考虑,因为这种安排在国际贸易中是不常见的。当然,如果双方有特别原因允许代理人代表委托人订立合同,可以于第3.3条中加以规定。
③ 应该注意到,在某些情况下,第三方(客户)可能依赖于代理人的表见代理权。这意味着,尤其是在代理人普遍被授权代表委托人订立合同的法律体制下,本合同中委托人与代理人之间关于排除该项代理权的约定(如本示范合同第3.3条)并不一定约束有充分理由依赖代理人表见代理权行事的第三方。因此,建议委托人避免采取任何行为给第三方以代理人有代表权的印象,并且如果必要及可能,应该将代理人无权代表委托人行事的事实通知第三方。
④ 此条款保证客户的订单与委托人的条款一致(例如,价格、交付条款等):如果不这样,委托人将处于尴尬的境地,如果他拒绝订单的话(至少从商业的角度来看)。
which the Principal has communicated to him①.3.5.The Agent is not entitled to receive payments onthe Principal'S behalf without prior writtenauthorization from the Principal to that effect.When the Agent has been SO authorized,hemust transmit them as soon as possible to thePrincipal and until then hold them separately ondeposit on the Principal'S behalf.
Article 4. Acceptance of orders by the Principal
4.1.The Principal shall inform the Agent withoutundue delay of his acceptance or rejection ofthe orders transmitted by the latter.ThePrincipal may accept or reject any individualorder transmitted by the Agent at his owndiscretion.
4.2.The Principal may not however unreasonablyreject the orders transmitted by the Agent.Inparticular, a repeated refusal of orderscontrary to good faith(e.g.if made for theonly purpose of hindering the Agent'S activity)shall be considered as a breach of contract bythe Principal.
①This is to ensure that orders by the customers confornl to the Principal's terms and conditions e.g.prices,delivery terms,etc.):if this is not the case,the principal will be in an embarassing situation(at least.from a commercial point of view)if he refuses the order.
3.5 除非有委托人事先的书面授权,代理人无权代表委托人收取货款。如果有此授权,代理人必须将款项尽快转给委托人,在此之前,应代委托人将款项单独存放。
4.1 当代理人将订单转交委托人后,委托人应及时通知代理人是否接受此订单。委托人可以自由决定接受或者拒绝代理人转来的任何订单。
Article 5.Undertaking not to compete①
5.1. Without the prior written authorization ofthe Principal,the Agent shall not represent,manufacture or distribute any products whichare in competition with the Products,for theentire term of this contract.
5.2.The Agent may represent,distribute ormanufacture any products which are notcompeting with the Products,provided heinforms the Principal in advance of suchactivity.However,the above obligation toinform the Principal does not apply if,inconsideration:(i)of the characteristics ofthe products which the Agent wants torepresent,and(ii)of the field of activity ofthe principal for whom the Agent wishes to. act,it is unreasonable to expect that thePrincipal'S interests may be affected.
①This clause only refers to the non-competition obligation during the contract.A clause whereby theagent agrees not to promote or represent competing products after contract termination is not very common ininternational trade and has therefore not been included in this model,which of course does not prevent partiesfrom doing otherwise.In this case,however,they should consider possible limitations under the applicablelaws.S0,for instance,Article 20.of the EC Directive states that the postcontractual non-competitionundertaking cannot exceed two years and must be limited to the territory,products,etc.covered by the agent;moreover,in some countries there are stricter limitations,and in certain cafses the agent is entitled to a specialcompensation if he undertakes a non-competition obligation for the period after contract termination.ForDOSsible problems of conformity with EU antitrust rules,see Introduction,.
5.1 除非有委托人的事先书面授权,在整个合同期内,代理人不得代表、生产或者行销任何与指定产品竞争的产品。
5.2 只要事先通知委托人,代理人可以代表、行销或者生产任何与指定产品不竞争的产品。然而,如果考虑了(1)代理人希望代理产品的特性,和(2)代理人希望代表的委托人的业务领域之后,没有理由认为委托人利益会受影响,则以上通知委托人的义务不再适用。
① 此条款只涉及合同期内不竞争的义务。代理人同意在合同期结束后仍不促销或者代理竞争性产品的条款在国际贸易中并不常见,因此在本示范合同中没有体现,当然这并不妨碍双方另作约定。但是,如果这样的话,他们应该考虑在适用的法律下可能受到的限制。比如,欧洲委员会条例(EC Directive)第20条规定,合同到期后不竞争的承诺有效期不能超过两年,且只限于该代理人代理的地区及产品等。而且,一些国家有更严格的限制,在一些情况下,如果代理人承诺在合同结束后的一段时间内承担不竞争的义务,他将有权获得特别补偿。对于可能与欧盟反垄断法不一致的问题,参见引言。
5.3.The Agent shall refrain from representing ordistributing non--competing products of amanufacturer who is a competitor of thePrincipal,if requested to do SO by thePrincipal,provided the latter'S request isreasonable,taking into account all thecircumstances of the case①.
5.4.The Agent declares that he represents(and/ordistributes or manufactures,directly orindirectly)the products listed in Annex II onthe date on which this contract is signed.
~rtiele 6. Sales organization,Advertising and Fairs,
6.1.The Agent shall provide an adequate organization topromote sales and,where appropriate,after-saleservice,with all necessary means and personnel,in order to ensure the fulfillment of his obligationsthroughout the Territory under this contract.
6.2.The parties may agree on the advertising to bejointly made in the Territory.The contents ofany advertising must be approved by thePrincipal.The cost of advertising carried out bythe Agent shall be apportioned between theparties as indicated in Annex IIl,§l.
① E.g.if there are reasons to fear that the collaboration with a competitor may impair the confidence
between the parties or the protection of confidentiM information.
5.4 代理人声明,在合同签署当日起开始代理(以及/或者行销,或者直接或间接地生产)附件二中列出的产品。
第6条 销售组织,广告及展览会,互联网
6.1 代理人应该以足够的组织形式,以一切必要的手段和人员,来促进产品的销售,以及必要时的售后服务,以保证履行本合同项下的在指定地区内的义务。
① 例如,如果有理由担心与竞争者的合作将削弱双方的信任或者商业机密的保护的话。
6.3.The parties shall agree on their participation infairs or exhibitions within the Territory.Thecost of the Agent's participation in such fairsand exhibitions shall be apportioned between theparties as indicated in Annex IIl,§2w•
6.4.The Agent is not authorized to advertise theProducts or his activity as Agent of thePrincipal on Internet without the Principal'sprior written approval,which,however,shallnot be unreasonably withheld.
Article 7. Sales Targets--Guaranteed Minimum
7.1.The parties may agree annually on the sales
targets for the forthcoming year•
7.2.The parties shall make their best efforts to attainthe targets agreed upon,but the non-attainment shall not be considered as a breach ofthe eontract by a party,unless that party isclearly at fault.
① If advertising is at the agent'8 cna。ge''ne。e Ill8y u。"ll5^um。
di觚butorship agreement with regard t。antitru8t"es,see Introduction'§3. ,
⑦ A dlstinction is眦de between a"sales target''(Articles 7-1•,7•2•)山e non一砒tammen'ol whlchdoes n0"n prineiple,involve a contract breach,and a"guaranteed minimum targe'"(Artid。卜'3几wh"?impHes a possible con咖t termination or other consequences)in case of nOn-attairiment•Ⅱthe parne8 w18nto agree up。n such"gIlaranteed minimum target",theY must fill in Annex lV-
6.3 合同双方应就参加指定地区内的交易会及展览会达成一致。代理人参加此类交易会及展览会的费用应按附件三§2所示由双方分担①。
第7条 销售目标一最低保证目标②
① 如果由代理人负责广告,本合同存在在反垄断规则下被视为分销合同的风险。详见引言§3。
② 本合同将销售目标(第7.1、7.2条)与最低保证目标(第7.3条)作了区分:未能达到销售目标原则上不构成违约,然而未能达到最低保证目标将可能导致合同终止(或者其他后果)。如果双方希望约定"最低保证目标",则须填写附件四。
7.3. In Annex IV the parties may agree on aGuaranteed Minimum Target and on theconsequences of its non-attainment.
Article 8. Sub--agents①
The Agent may engage sub-agents,providedheinforms the Principal at least one monthbefore the engagement.
The Agent shall be responsible for the activitiesof his sub-agents.
The Agent must carry out his activity withoutrecourse to sub-agents.
Article 9.Principal to be kept informed
9.1.The Agent shall exercise due diligence to keepthe Principal informed about his activities,market conditions and the state of competitionwithin the Territory.He shall answer anyreasonable request for information made by thePrincipal.
① In certain circumstances it may be advisable to add a clause providing that each party aFees not to
engage sub-agents and/or employees of the ot}Ier party.
第9条 随时通知委托人
① 在某些情况下,建议加入一个条款规定双方不得聘用另一方的分代理以及/或者雇员。
9.2.The Agent shall exercise due diligence to keepthe Principal informed about:(i)the laws andregulations which are to apply in the Territory towhich the Products must conform(e.g.importregulations,labellin9,technical specifications,safety requirements,etc.),and(ii)the lawsand regulations concerning his activity,as faras they are relevant for the Principal.
Article l0. Financial responsibility
10.1.The Agent shall satisfy himself,with duediligence,of the solvency of customers whoseorders he transmits to the Principal.He shallnot transmit orders from customers of whichhe knows or ought to know that they are in acritical financial position,without informingthe Principal in advance of such fact.Heshall,furthermore,give reasonable assistanceto the Principal in recovering debts due.
10.2.The Agent shall act as a del credere agent onlyif,and to the extent,the parties haveexpressly agreed theret0.In that case theyshould complete and sign Annex V.
Article ll.Principal'S trademarks and symbols
11.1.The Agent shall use the Principal'S trademarks,trade names or any other symbols,but for theonly purpose of identifying and advertising the
10.1 代理人应适当勤勉地确认发出订单并被其向委托人转交的客户的清偿能力,不应该在不通知委托人的情况下,转交其知道或者应当知道正处于严重财政困难的客户的订单。而且,代理人应该为委托人收取欠款提供合理的帮助。
11.1 代理人只能在本合同范围内,为了委托人单方利益,为了标识和宣传指定产品的唯一目的,使用委托人的商标、商用名称或Products,within the scope of this contract andin the Principal'S sole interest.
11.2.The Agent hereby agrees neither to register,nor to have registered,any trademarks,tradenames or symbols of the Principal(or whichare confusingly similar with the Principal'Sones),in the Territory or elsewhere.
11.3.The right to use the Principal'S trademarks,trade names or symbols,as provided for underthe first paragraph of this Article,shall ceaseimmediately for the Agent,on the expirationor termination,for any reason,of the presentcontract.
11.4.The Agent shall notify the Principal of anyinfringement of the Principal'S trademarks,trade names or symbols that comes to hisnotice.
Article l2. Complaints by Customers
The Agent shall immediately inform the Principal of anyobservations or complaints received from customers in respectof the Products.The parties hereto shall deal promptly andproperly with such complaints.
The Agent has no authority to engage in any way thePrincipal,unless after he has received a specific writtenal】thorization to sL】ch efT0ct者其他标志。
Article l3. Exclusivity
13.1.The Principal shall not,during the life of thiscontract,grant any other person or undertakingwithin the Territory the right to represent orsell the Products.
13.2.The Principal is however entitled to dealdirectly,without the Agent'S intervention(provided he informs the latter)with customerssituated in the Territory;in respect of anysales arising therefrom,the Agent shall beentitled to the commission provided for in thiscontract,unless provided otherwise in Article13.4.
13.3.The Principal shall be entitled to deal directlywith the special customers listed in Annex Vl,§2.;in respect of the sales to such customersthe Agent shall be entitled to the reducedcommission provided for in Annex Vl,§2.Paragraph l3.3.shall not apply if§2.ofAnnex VI (Special customers/Reducedcommission)has not been filled in by theparties.
A.口 13.4.The Principal is entitled to promote and sell theProducts through his Internet website(if any).
13.1 委托人在合同有效期内不能在指定地区内授予任何个人或者实体代理或者销售指定产品的权利。
13.3 委托人有权直接与附件六§2中列出的特殊客户直接交易;对于这部分销售收入,代理人有权按照附件六§2的规定获得降低的佣金,但是如果双方没有完具附件六§2(特殊客户/降低佣金),则第13.3条不适用。
Unless otherwise《弦eed in writin9,commissionwill be due to the Agent with respect to salesmade by the Principal through Intemet tocustomers established in the Territory.
13.4.The Principal is entitled to promote and sellthe Products through his Intemet website(ifany).Unless otherwise agreed in writin9,nocommission will be due to the Agent withrespect to such sales.The Principal will takereasonable precautions in order to reduceinterference of his promotion through Internetwith the Agent'S activity.
Article l4. Agent to be kept informed
14.1.The Principal shall provide the Agent with allnecessary written information relating to theProducts(such as price lists,brochures,etc.) as well as with the information neededby the Agent for carrying out his obligationsunder the contract.
14.2.He shall furthermore inform the Agent withoutundue delay of his acceptance,refusal and/ornon-。execution of any business transmitted bythe Agent.
14.3.The Principal shall keep the Agent informed ofany relevant communication with customers inthe Territory.
14.4. If the Principal expects that his capacity ofsupply will be significantly lower than thatwhich the Agent could normally expect,hewill inform the Agent within a reasonabletime.
Article l5. Agent'S commission
15.1.The Agent is entitled to the commission
provided for in Annex Vl,§l,on all salesof the Products which are made during the lifeof this contract to customers established in theTerritory.
15.2. If the Agent,when dealing with customersestablished in the Territory,solicits ordersresulting in contracts of sale with customersestablished outside the Territory,and if thePrincipal accepts such orders,the Agentshall be entitled to receive a reducedcommission,the amount of which shall bedecided on a case-by-case basis.Similarly,the Agent'S commission shall bereduced when an other agent solicits orderswith customers established outside theTerritory resulting in contracts of sale withcustomers established within the Territory.
14.3 委托人应随时通知代理人其与指定地区内客户的任何有关联系情况。
15.1 代理人有权对在本合同有效期内与指定地区客户达成的指定产品的所有销售收入,获得附件六
15.2 如果代理人与指定地区内客户的交易导致与指定地区外的客户达成销售合同,而委托人同意接受此订单,代理人有权获得降低的佣金,佣金数额根据每次交易情况决定。同样,当在指定地区之外的代理人与指定地区外客户的交易导致与指定地区内的客户达成销售合同的情况下(指定地区内的),代理人的佣金也将降低。
15.3. A reduced commission may be agreed inadvance between the Principal and the Agentin appropriate circumstances where acustomer is to be granted terms or conditionswhich are more favorable than thePrincipal'S standard conditions. If theparties have filled in§3.of Annex Vl,thefigures indicated therein shall apply in therespective situations.
15.4. Unless otherwise agreed in writin9.thecommission covers any expenses incurred bythe Agent in fulfilling his obligations underthis contract(such as telephone,telex,office,travel expenses,etc.).
Article l6. Method of calculating commission and
16.1. Commission shall be calculated on the netamount of the invoices,i.e.on the effectivesales price(any discount other than cashdiscounts being deducted)clear of anyadditional charges(such as packin9,transportation,insurance)and clear of alltariffs or taxes(including value added tax)ofany kind,provided that such additionalcharges,tariffs and taxes are separatelystated in the invoinP
15.3 在可能给客户比委托人标准合同条款更优惠的合同条款的情况下,委托人和代理人可以事先商定一个降低的佣金标准。如果双方填写了附件六§3,表中数字将适用于相应的情况。
15.4 除非另有书面约定,佣金包括代理人为履行本合同项下义务产生的一切开支(比如电话费、电传费、办公费用、旅行开支等等)。
16.2.The Agent shall acquire the right to commissionafter full payment by the customers of theinvoiced price.In case of partial payment madein compliance with the sales contract,the Agentshall be entitled to a proportional payment.Incase the Principal is insured against the risk ofnon-payment by his customers,the partiesmay agree that a commission be paid on thesums obtained by the Principal from theinsurer,by filling in Annex Vl,§4.
16.3.The Principal shall provide the Agent with astatement of the commissions due in respect ofeach quarter and shall set out all the businessin respect of which such commission ispayable.The commission shall be paid notlater than the last day of the month followingthe relevant quarter.
16.4.The Agent is entitled to all the information.andin particular extracts from the Principal'S books,in order to check the amount of the commissiondue to him.The Principal shall permit anindependent auditor appointed for that purpose bythe Agent to inspect the Principal'S books for thepurpose of checking the data relevant for thecalculation of the Agent'S commission.The costsof such inspection shall be borne by the Agent.16.5. Should any governmental authorization(e.g.due to exchange control regulations in the
16.5如果委托人将佣金(或者其他任何代理人应得的款项)转至国外需要政府授权(例 Principal's country)be necessary for the Principalto transfer abroad the commission or of any othersum the Agent may be entitled to receive),thenthe payment of the amount shall be made aftersuch authorization has been given.The Principalshall take all necessary steps for obtaining theabove authorizations.
16.6. Except as otherwise agreed,the commissionshall be calculated in the currency of the salescontract in respect of which the commission isdue.
16.7. Any taxes imposed on the Agent'S commissionin the Territory are for the Agent'S account.
Article l7. Unconcluded business
17.1. No commission shall be due in respect of offersor orders transmitted by the Agent and not' accepted by the Principal.
17.2. If a contract made by the Principal as a resultof orders transmitted by the Agent is notthereafter put into effect,the Agent shall beentitled to commission unless non-.performance of the contract is due to reasonsfor which the Principal is not responsible.
16.6 除非另有约定,佣金应该以其相对应的买
16.7 在指定地区内,代理人佣金的税金应由代
理人自行支付。第l7条 未完成交易
17.1 如果代理人转给委托人的订单或要约不被接受,代理人将不能获得有关的佣金。17.2如果基于代理人转交的订单而订立的合同最终没有执行,则代理人有权获得佣金,除非合同的不履行是由委托人责任之外的原因所导致。
Article l为.Term of the Contract
18.1. nis contract iS concluded for an indefinite
period and enters into force on.................-....
18.2.This contract may be terminated by either partyby notice given in writing by means ofcommunication ensuring evidence and date ofreceipt(e.g.registered mail with returnreceipt,special courier,telex),not less thanfour months in advance.If the contract haslasted for more than five years,the period ofnotice will be of six months.The end of theperiod of notice must coincide with the end of acalendar month.The parties may agree inwriting on longer periods of notice.
18.1.This contract enters into force on and shall
remain in force until.
18.2.This contract shall be automatically renewed forsuccessive periods of one year, unlessterminated by either party by notice given inwriting by means of communication ensuringevidence and date of receipt(e.g.registeredmail with return receipt,special courier,
18.1 本合同于--生效,无固定有效期限。18.2任何一方都可以终止本合同,只要其提前至少四个月给予对方书面通知,并以可保留送达证据及送达日期的通讯方式(例如有回执的挂号信件、"陕递、电传)送达。如果合同已经执行了超过五年,通知期限应为六个月。通知期限应以日历月的最后一天为结束日期。双方也可以以书面形式约定更长的通知期限。
18.1 本合同于--生效,至--
18.2本合同每次到期后都自动延期一年,除非合同任一方在到期前至少四个月给予对方书面通知,并以可保留送达证据及送达日期的通讯方式(例如有回执的挂号信件、快递、电传)送达。如果合同已经执行了超过五年的时间,通知的期限应为六个elex),not less than four months bef蕊the dateof expiry.If the contract has lasted for nx)1℃thanfive years,the period of notice will be of si】【months.The parties may agree in writing onlonger periods of notice.
Article l9. Unfinished business
19.1.Orders transmitted by the Agent or I-eceived bvthe Principal from customers established in theTerritory before the expiry or termination of thiscontract and which result in the conclusion of acontract of sale not more than six months aftersuch expiration,shall entitle the Agent tocommission.
19.2.No commission is due to the Agent for contractsof sale made on the basis of orders I-eceivedafter the expiry or termination of this contract.save if such transaction is mainly attributableto the Agent's efforts during the period coveredby the agency contract and if the contract wasentered into within a reasonable period afterthe expiry or termination of this contract.,llleAgent must however inform the Principal inwritin9,before the expiry or termination of thiscontract,of the pending negotiations whichmay give rise to commission under thisparagraph.
第19条 未履行完毕的交易
19.1 本合同终止或者失效之前,由代理人转交或者委托人直接收到的在指定地区内客户的订单,如果导致在本合同终止后六个月之内订立销售合同,代理人有权得到此订单相应的佣金。
Article 20. Earlier termination
20.1. Each party may terminate this contract withimmediate effect,by notice given in writingby means of communication ensuring evidenceand date of receipt(e.g.registered mail withreturn receipt,special courier,telex),incase of a substantial breach by the other partyof the obligations arising out of the contract,or in case of exceptional circumstancesjustifying the earlier termination.
20.2. Any failure by a party to carry out all or part ofhis obligations under the contract resulting insuch detriment to the other party as tosubstantially deprive him of what he is entitledto expect under the contract, shall beconsidered as a substantial breach for thepurpose of Article 20.1.above.Circumstancesin which it would be unreasonable to requirethe terminating party to continue to be boundby this contract, shall be considered asexceptional circumstances for the purpose ofArticle 20.1.above.
20.1 在合同一方实质性违约或者其他足以使提前终止合同成为正当的异常情况发生时,另一方可以立即终止本合同,只要其给予对方书面通知,并以可保留送达证据及送达日期的通讯方式(例如有回执的挂号信件、快递、电传)送达。
20.3.The parties hereby agree that the violation of theprovisions under Articles--①of thepresent contract is to be considered in principle,unless the contrary is proved,as a substantialbreach of the contract.Moreover,any violation ofthe contractual obligations may be considered as asubstantial breach,if such violation is repeatednotwithstanding a request by the other party tofulfd the contract obligations.
20.4. Furthermore.the parties agree that the followingsituations shall be considered as exceptionalcircumstances which justify the earliertermination by the other party:bankruptcy,moratorium,receivership,liquidation or anykind of composition between the debtor and thecreditors,or any circumstances which are likelyto affect substantially one party'S ability to carryout his obligations under this contract.
20.5. If the parties have filled in Annex VIl,thecontract may also be terminated by thePrincipal with immediate effect in case ofchange of control, ownership and ormanagement of the agent-company,according tothe provisions set forth in Annex VIl.
①The parties may make reference here to those articles for which a breach is of particular importance.3hismay be the ca$e for Articles 5.(non competition),7.3.(guaranteed minirmtm target:if删),11.2.(unauthorizedregistration of the叫ncipal's trademarks by the agent),13.1.(grant of exclusivity by the principat)and l5.1.(payment of corranission to the agent).It is recorranended that the use of this article should be limited to essentialsituations only.
20.3 合同双方在此约定,违反本合同第--条①的规定将原则上被视为实质性违约,除非有相反证明。此外,如果合同一方无视另一方的履行要求而反复违反某些合同义务,此种违反也将被视为实质性违约。
20.5 如果双方完具了附件七,根据附件七的有关规定,在代理人公司的控制权、所有权和/或管理层变动时,委托人可以立即终止本合同。
① 双方可以在此确定那些如果被违反将会产生特别重要影响的条款。例如,第5条(不竞争),第7.3条(最低保证目标,如果有约定的话),第ll.2条(代理人未经授权注册委托人的商标),第l3.1条(委托人授予的排他性)以及第15.1条(向代理人支付佣金)。建议此条款应限于最根本的情况。
20.6. If a party terminates the contract according tothis Article,but it is thereafter ascertained thatthe reasons put forward by that party did notjustify the earlier termination,the terminationwill be effective,but the other party will beentitled to damages for the unjustified earliertermination.Such damages will be equal to theaverage commission for the period the contractwould have lasted in case of normaltermination,unless the damaged party provesthat the actual damage is higher(or,respectively,the party having terminated thecontract proves that the actual damage is lower).The above damages are in addition to theindemnity which may be due under Article 21.Article 21. Indemnity in case of termination
21.1.The Agent shall be entitled to all indemnity("goodwill indemnity")if and to the extentthat:
(a)he has brought the Principal newcustomers or has significantly increasedthe volume of business with existingcustomers and the Principal continuesto derive substantial benefits from thebusiness with such customers,and20.6如果合同一方根据本条规定终止合同,但其后发现其提出的理由不足以构成提前终止合同的正当理由,合同终止仍然生效,但是另一方有权因不合理终止合同获得损害赔偿。此项赔偿相当于以合同正常终止为期限计算的平均佣金,除非受损害的一方证明实际损失额更高(或者,相反的,终止合同方证明实际损失额更低)。上述损害赔偿不包括在根据第21条规定可能获得的补偿之内。
(b)the payment of this indemnity is equitablehaving regard to all the circumstances and,in particular,the commission lost by theAgent on the business transacted with suchcustomers.
21.1.The Agent shall not be entitled to an indemnityfor goodwill or similar compensation②("goodwill indemnity")in case of terminationofihe contraot.This provision does not limit theAgent'S right to claim damages for breach ofcontract as far as the termination by thePrincipal amounts to such a breach,and is notalready covered by Article 20.6.
21.2.The amount of the indemnity shall not exceed afigure equivalent to an indemnity for one yearcalculated from the Agent'S average annualremuneration over the preceding five yearsand,if the contract lasted for less than fiveyears,the indemnity shall be calculated on theaverage for the period in question.
① In some countries,such as EC countries which have adopted the EC Directive or other countries with
similar mandatory rules,alternative B would violate mandatory requirements.
②This broad definition is meant to cover any compensation to be paid in case of contact terminationindependent from a breach of contract by the Principal,including payments which are not defined as an"indemnity",0r"goodwill indemnity";see above,§4.of the Introduction.
① 在一些国家中,例如采用EC Directive的欧盟国家或者有相似强制性法规的其他国家,B选项将违反其强制规定。
② 该项外延广泛的规定旨在涵盖除了委托人违约导致合同终止之外情况下合同终止时代理人应得的任何补偿,包括那些不包含在"补偿(indemnity)"或者"商誉补偿"内的其他款项支付。详见引言。
21.3.The Agent will lose the right to indemnity if hedoes not claim the indemnity in writing withinone year from contract termination.
21.4.The Agent shall have no right to indemnity in
the following cases:
(a)where the Principal has terminated thecontract according to the conditions setout in Article 20.;
(b)where the Agent has terminated thecontract, unless the termination iSjustified under Article 20.or on groundsof age, infirmity or illness inconsequence of which the Agent cannotreasonably be required to continue hisactivities;
(C)where,in accordance with Article 26.2.。the Agent assigns his rights and dutiesunder the agency contract to anotherpemon•
21.5.The goodwill indemnity provided for under thisArticle is in lieu of any compensation for lossor damage arising out of the contract expirationor termination(except damages for breach ofcontract).
21.3 如果代理人在合同终止后一年内没有提出书面的补偿要求,其将丧失获得补偿的权利。
21.5 本条规定的商誉补偿将代替对由于合同到期或者终止造成的任何损失或损害的补偿(但不包括对违约的损害赔偿)。
Article 22. Return of documents and samples
Upon expiry of this contract the Agent shall return to thePrincipal all advertising material and other documents andsamples which have been supplied to him by the Principaland are in the Agent'S possession.
Article 23. Resolution of disputes
23.1.The parties may at any time,without prejudice toArticle 23.2,seek to settle any dispute arisingout of or in connection with this agency contractin accor证l肌ce with the ICC ADR Rules①.
23.2. All disputes arising out of or in connection withthis agency contract shall be finally settledunder the Rules of Arbitration of theInternational Chamber of Commerce by one ormore arbitrators appointed in accordance withthe said Rules.
B.口Litigation(ordinary courts)
23.2. In case of dispute the courts of------------(place)--(country)shall havejurisdiction.
①The ICC ADR Rules can be found on the web site www.iccadr.or9.
第22条 文件及样品的归还
23.1 双方可以在任何时候寻求根据ICC友好争议解决规则①解决由本合同产生的或者与本合同有关的争议,而不影响第23.2条的适用。
23.2 如产生争议,由 (国家)
① 国际商会友好争议解决规则可于www.iccadr.or9上得到。
Article 24. Applicable law
24.1. Any questions relating to this contract whichare not expressly or implicitly settled by theprovisions contained in this contract shall begoverned,in the following order:
(a)by the principles of law generallyrecognized in international trade asapplicable to international agencycontracts,
(b)by the relevant trade usages,and
(c)by the UNIDROIT Principles ofInternational Commercial Contracts,with the exclusion--subject to Article24.2.hereunder-of national laws.
If the Agent has his place of business and/orperforms his activity within the EuropeanUnion,the mandatory provisions of the ECDirective of l 8 December l 986 shall alsoapply.
① In case this alternative is chosen,it is advisable to choose arbitration(Article 23.A.)for theresolution of disputes-In fact,it is doubful whether ordinary courts would apply general principles instead of anational law.
24.1 任何与本合同相关的问题,如未能由本合同条款做出明确或者隐含的规定,则依次由以下法律或规则管辖:
如果代理人营业地在欧盟,以及/或者在欧盟进行商业活动,1986年12年18日颁布的欧洲委员会条例(EC Directive)的强制性规定也适用。
① 如果选择此选项,建议争议时选择仲裁(第二十三条A选项)解决。实际上,普通法庭很难不使用国家法而使用普遍原则。
24.1.This contract is governed by the laws of__(name
of the country the law of which is to apply)①.
24.2. In any event consideration shall be given tomandatory provisions of the law of the country wherethe Agent is established which would be applicableeven if the contract is governed by a foreign law.Any such provisions will be taken into account to theextent they embody principles which are universallyrecognized and provided their application appearsreasonable in the context of international trade.
Article 25.Automatic inclusion under the present
25.1. If the parties have not made a choice between theahernative solutions provided in Articles 8.,l 8.,23.2.and 24.1.under the letters A and B,bydeleting one of the alternatives,and provided theyhave not expressly made a choice by other means,alternative A shall be considered applicable.
①This roodel form has been prepared on the assumption that it would not b890vemed by a specificnational law(as stated in alternative A of Article 24.1.).If the parties prefer nevertheless to submit theagreement to a national law,they should carefully check in advance,if the clauses of the model coIlfb册to themandatory provisions of the law they have chosen.
24.1 本合同依据--(适用的法律的国家名
25.1 如果合同双方对第8条、第18条、第23.2条及第24.1条中的A选项和B选项没有通过删除其中一个选项做出选择,并且也没有以其他方式明确做出选择,选项A被认为自动适用。
03 此示范合同是基于其由特定国家法管辖的前提下(如第二十四条第一款A选项)。如果双方愿意将合同受国家法管辖,他们应事先仔细检查示范合同的条款是否与他们选择的法律的强制性条款一致。
25.2 如果合同双方对第21条(终止合同时的商誉补偿)中的A选项和B选项没有通过删除其中一项选项做出选择,也没有以其他方式明确做出选择,而且如果代理人所在地国强制性法律承认终止合同时的商誉补偿,则选项A自动适用,反之则选项B自动适用。
25.3 本合同的附件是本合同不可分割的部分。未被完具的附件或其部分只有在本合同表明的条件下和范围内才生效。
第26条 之前的协议一修改一无效
26.1 本合同取代之前双方就此问题达成的任何
26.2 任何对本合同的添加或修改,除非以书面做出,否则无效。然而,当合同一方的行为已被另一方依赖行事时,行为的一方便不能以非书面形式为有主张添加或修改无
26.3.The nullity of a particular clause of thiscontract shall not involve the nullity of thewhole agreement,unless such clause is to beconsidered as substantial,i.e.if the clauseis of such importance that the parties(or theparty to the benefit of which such clause ismade)would not have entered into thecontract if it knew that the clause would notbe valid.
Article 27.Prohibition of assignment
27.1.The present contract cannot be assigned
without prior written agreement between the twoparties.
27.2.If Article 21.A is applicable,and if there hasbeen assignment by the Agent with thePrincipal'S consent according to Article 21.4(C),the goodwill indemnity of the new agentshall be calculated by also taking into accountthe activity of the old agent,according toArticle 21.It is expressly agreed that theamount that may have been paid by the newagent to the previous one shall not be takeninto aecount when calculating the indemnity④.
①The purpose of this sentence is to make clear that the price pmd by tlle new agem to me oIQ one(which price may be influenced by facts which are。ut of the scope of the agencY agreement),is noi a basis forcalculating the indemnity.
27.1 除非双方事先书面同意,本合同不能转
① 这句话的目的是明确新代理人付给旧代理人的价款(此价格可能受超出代理合同范围的因素的影响),并不是计算补偿的基础。
Article 28. Authentic text
The English text of this contract is the only authentic text①.
Made inon theThe Principal The Agent
① If the contract is written in another language this clause should of coulee be modified to indicate the
language of the contract.
委托人 代理人
① 如果本合同以另一种语言成就,本条款当然应相应改动。
The Agent hereby declares that he represents(and/or distributes ormanufactures)the following products,directly or indirectly,at the time of theconclusion of the present contract:
§1.Advertising(Article 6.2.)
Except as otherwise agreed in writin9,the costs of agreed advertising shall beshared between the parties as follows:
Principal: %Agent: %
§2.Fairs and exhibitions(Article 6.3.)
Except as otherwise agreed in writin9,the costs for participation in fairs andexhibitions in the Territory shall be shared between the parties as follows:
委托人: %代理人: %
(Article 7.3.)
The Agent undertakes,during each year,to transmit orders for not less than:口 (amount in monev)①
口--(amount in Products)
U--%of the target agreed upon in accordance with Article 7.1.
If at the end of the year the above Guaranteed Minimum Target has not beenattained,for reasons other than those for which the Principal can be heldresponsible,subject to giving one month's notice,the Principal shall be entitledat his choice,to terminate this contract,or to cancel the Agent's exclusivity.orto reduce the extension of the Territory.This right must however be exercised inwriting not later than two months after the end of the year in which the GuaranteedMinimum Target has not been attained.
Unless the parties hereafter agree on different figures,the Guaranteed MininlumTarget indicated above shall also be applicable for each year of the duration(including the case of renewal)of this contract.
①If this alternative is chosen,care should be taken in oIder to avoid that the agreed sum isautomatically reduced(from year to year)as a consequence of inflation,e.g.by providing a yearly increase.
代理人承诺每年转交的订单不少于:口 (金额)①
口 根据第7.1条约定的Et标数量的 %
① 如果选择此选项,应注意由于通货膨胀的原因,协定的金额将自动减少。可以通过,例如,规定一个每年递增的比率来解决这题。
DEL CREDERE①(Article l0.2.)The Agent shall act as a del credere agent according to the conditions stated
A del credere obligation means that the Agent undertakes to reimburse to thePrincipal the total or paaial amount(according to the alternative solutions under§2.hereafter)of unpaid sums that the Principal is entitled to receive f.romresponsible.The del credere obligation does not cover the expenses incurred bv
1.The agent shall be responsible:
1.A口for any business transmitted by him
1.B口only for business or customers expressly agreed case by case.
2.The agent'S responsibility shall be:2.A 口unlimited.
2.B 口limited t0 %of the sums not recovered①.2.C[]limited t0--times the agreed commission.
3.The agent shall be entitled to an extra commission of %on all busines8
on which he has granted del credere.
4•No del credere is due if the loss is due to reasons for which the Principal is
clearly responsible.
5.The Agent has no fight to commission,according to Article l6.2.However,the del credere obligation shall in no case exceed the total amount due by thecustomer minus the Agent'S commission.
The Principal The Agent
① Options 2.B and 2.C may be used together:e.g.not more than l5%of the sums not recoveredand not more than three times the agreed commission.
1.B口 只有其明确特别同意的客户或者交易。2.代理人的责任应为:
2.A口 无限的。
2.B 口 限于未能收取款项的 %以内①。2.C 口 限于约定佣金数额的 倍之内。3.代理人有权就其承担保付责任的所有销售额另外获得 %
委托人 代理人
① 选项2.B及2.c可以一起使用:例如不多于未收取款项金额的l5%且不多于约定的佣ANNEX VI
§1.Amount of commission(Article l5.1.)1.1.Simple commission
Amount of commission is--%.
1.2.Different levels of commission according to the value of the sales contract①.Sale contracts up t0----%
Sale contracts from--up t0----%Sale contracts from--up t0----%Sale contracts from--up t0----%Sale contracts over----%
① If a contract lasts more than one year,parties should agree if they wish to consider the agreement forthe following year as a separate agreement.Parties should also clearly define the criteria for considering agroup of supplies(e.g.machines and equipment for the same project)as one sales contract or as separate
佣 金
§1.佣金金额(第15.1条)1.1 单一佣金
佣金金额为 %。
① 如果合同期限超过1年,双方应该约定是否将下一年的协议作为单独的协议。双方还应清楚地规定将一组供货(如同一项目所需的机器设备)界定为一个销售合同或者数个单独合同的标准。
§2.Spedal customers/Reduced commission(Article l3.3.)
On all sales to the following customers the Agent is entitled to the followingreduced commission:
§3.Negotiation mar西as and discounts(Article l5.3.)3.1 Negotiation margins
The Agent has a negotiation margin of--%on the prices set out in the price-list in force.Therefore,the Agent may propose to customers any discount withinsuch margins without reduction to his rate of commission.
3.2 Authorised discount
The Agent is entitled to propose to customers the following discounts,which entaila reduction in his commission,in accordance with the schedule hereunder:

%§3.谈判差价及折扣(第l5.3条)3.1 谈判差价
代理人对于价格单上的价格有 %的谈判差价。因此,代理人可以在不降低其佣金比率的情况下向客户提供在此差价内的任何折扣。
Negotiation margin--% full commissionDiscount amounting t0--%--% commissionDiscount amounting t0--%--% commissionDiscount amounting t0--%--% commissionDiscount amounting t0--%--%
3.3 Discount to be agreed upon
The Agent undertakes not to propose to the customers any discount higher than themaximum discount shown in the schedule set out in§3.2.above,without priorwritten authority from the Principal.
§4.Commission Oil insured credits(Article l6.2.)
If the Principal is insured against the insolvency of his customers,and he is paidby the insurer(instead of receiving the price from the customer)the Agent isentitled:
口to a half commission on the sums paid by the insurer.
口to the full commission on the sums paid by the insurer,after deduction of thecosts or expenses borne by the Principal with reference to the non--payment.
谈判差价 % 全额佣金折扣低于 % % 佣金折扣低于 % % 佣金折扣低于 % % 佣金折扣低于 % % 佣金3.3需要同意的折扣
AGENT-COMPANY(Article 20.5.)The Principal may terminate the contract with immediate effect,if:
口 Mr ceases to own more than %of the shares of theAgent-company.
口Mr--ceases to be the--①of the Agent-company.At the sanle time,if alternative A of Article 21.is applicable.the Agent-company may terminate this contract on grounds of the age,infirmity or illness ofMr.--according to Article 21.4.A,(b),without losing thefight to the goodwill indemnity under such provision.
①Specify here the position that the qualifying person has in the Agent-company,e.g.director.general manager,president of the board,as the case may be.This clause may be dangerous for the Agent-company,particularly if the qualifying person is not the owner。but only an employee.
① 此处应明确该人在代理人公司中的职位,例如,董事、总经理、董事会主席等。此条款对于代理人公司可能存在风险.尤其是当此人不是公司的所有人而只县一幺雇吊时.
EC Directive 86/653of l8 December l986COUNCIL DIRECTr、砸0f 18 December l9860n the coordination of the laws
of the Member State relating to self-employed commerdal agents(86/653/EEC)
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the Europe Economic Community,and in particular Articles 57(2)and l00 thereof.
Having regard to the proposal from the Commission(1),
(1)oJ No C l3,18.1.1977,P.2;oj No C 56,2.3.1979,P.5.Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament(2),
(2)oj No C 239,9.10.1978,P.17.
Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Sodal Committee(3),(3)oj No C 59,8.03.1978,p.31.
∽V-hereas the rc!s打icfions on the freedom of establishment and the freedom to
provide services m respect Ot acuvltles Ot mtermealarms m commerce,m(1ustryand small craft industries wcrc abolished by Directive 64/224/EEC(4);
(4)oj N056,4.4.1964,P.869/64.
Whereas the differences in national laws concerning commercial representationsubstantially affect the conditions of competition and the carryin9'on of thatactivity within the Community and arc detrimental both tO the protectionavailable tO commercial agents vis-a-vis their principals and tO the security ofcommercial transactions;whereas moreover those differences are such as toinhibit substantially the conclusion and operation of commerdal representationcontracts where principal and commercial agents arc established in differentMember States;
Whereas trade in goods between Member States should be carried on underconditions which arc similar tO those of a single market,and this necessitatesapproximation of the legal systems of the Member States tO the extent requiredfor the proper functioning of the common market;whereas in this regard therules concerning conflict of laws do not,in the matter of commercialrepresentation,remove the inconsistencies referred tO above,nor would theyeven if they wcrc made uniform,and accordingly the proposed harmonizationis necessary notwithstanding the existence of those rules;
Whereas in this regard the legal relationship between commercial agent andprincipal must be givcn priority;
Whereas it is appropriate tO be guided by the principles of Article l l 70f theTreaty and tO maintain improvements already made,when harmonizing thelaws of the Member States relating to commercial agents;
Whereas additional transitional periods should be allowed for certain MemberStates which have tO make a particular effort tO adapt their regulations,
especially those concerning indemnity for termination of contract between theprincipal and the commercial agent,to the requirements of this Directive.
Article l.
1.The harmonization measures prescribed by this Directive shall apply to thelaws,regulations and administrative provisions of the Member Statesgoverning the relations between commercial agents and their principals.
2.For the purposes of this Directive,'commercial agent'shall mean a self-employed intermediary who ha continuing authority to negotiate the sale orthe purchase of goods on behalf of another person,hereinafter called the'principal',0r to negotiate and conclude such transactions on behalf of andin the nanle of that principal.
3.A commercial agent shall be understood within the meaning of this Directivea not induding in particular:
'a person wh0,in his capacity as an officer,is empowered tO enter intocommitments binding on a company or association,
a partner who is lawfully authorized to enter into commitments binding onhis partners,
a receiver,a receiver and manager,a liquidator or a ta-ustee inbankruptcy.
Article 2.
1.This Directive shall not apply t0:
commercial agents whose activities are unpaid,
ommercial agents when they operate on commodity exchanges or in thecommodity market,or
the body known is the Crown Agents for Overseas Governments andAdministrations,as set up under the Grown Agents Act l979 in theUnited Kingaom,or its subsidiaries.
2.Each of the Member States shall have the right tO provide that the Directiveshall not apply to those persons whose activities as commercial agents areconsidered secondary by the law of that Member State.
CHAPTER lI Ri曲ts and obligationsArticle 3.
1.In performing has activities a commercial agent must look after his
principal'S interests and act dutifully and in good跖tll.
2.In particular,a commercial agent must:
(a)make proper efforts tO negotiate and,where appropriate,conclude the
transactions he is instructed tO take care of;
(b)communicate to his principal all the necessary information available to
(c)comply with reasonable instructions given by his principal.
Article 4.
1.In his relations with his commercial agent a principal must act dutifully and
in good faith.
2.A prindpal must in particular:
(a)provide his commercial agent with the necessary documentation relating
tO the goods concemed;
(b)obtain for his commercial agent the information necessary for theperformance of the agency contract,and in particular notify thecommercial agent within a reasonable period once he anticipates thatthe volume of commercial transactions will be siglli{icandy lower thanthat which the commercial agent could normally have expected.
3.A principal must,in addition,inform the commer.cial agent within areasonable period of his acceptance,refusal,and of any non-execution of acommercial transaction which the commercial agent has procured for theprincipal.
Article 5.
The parties may not derogate from the provisions of Articles 3 and 4.
UH A},1"ER山 RemunerationArticle 6.
1.In the absence of any agreement on this matter between the parties,andwithout prejudice to the application of the compulsory provisions of theMember States concerning the level of remuneration,a commerdal agentshall be entided tO the remuneration that commerdal agents appointed forthe goods forming the subject of his agency contract arc customarily allowedin the place where he carries on his activities.If there is no such customarypractice a commercial agent shall be entided to reasonable remunerationtaking into account all the aspecm of the transaction.
2.Any part of the remuneration which varies with the number or value ofbusiness transactions shall be deemed tO be commission within the meaningof this Directive.
3.Artides 7 t012 shall not apply if the commercial agent is not remuneratedwholly or in part by commission.
Article 7.
1.A commercial agent shall be entitled tO commission on commercialtransactions concluded during the period covered by the agency contract:(a)where the transaction has been concluded as a result of his action;or(b)where the transaction is concluded埘山a third party whom he haspreviously acquired as a customer for transactions of the same kind.
2.A commercial agent shall also be entided tO commission on transactions
concluded during the period covered by the agency contract:
•either where he is entrusted with a specific geographical area or group ofcustomers,
•or where he has an exclusive right to a specific geographical area or groupof customers,
and where the transaction has been entered into with a customer belonging tothat area or group.
Member State shall include in their legislation one of the possibilities referred toin the above tWO indents.
Artide 8.
A commercial agent shall be entitled tO commission on commercial transactionsconcluded after the agency contract has terminated:
(a)if the transaction is mainly attributable tO the commercial agent'sefforts during the period covered by the agency contract and if thetransaction Was entered into within a reasonable period after thatcontract terminated;or
(b)if,in accordance埘山the conditions mentioned in Article 7,theorder of the third party reached the principal or the commercial agentbefore the agency contract terminated.
Article y.
A commercial agent shall not be entitled to the commission referred to in Ardde7.if that commission is payable,pursuant to Ardde 8,to the previouscommercial agent,unless it is equitable because of the circumstances for thecommission to be shared between the commercial agents.
Article l0.
1.The comJIlission shall become due as soon as and to the extent that one of
the following circumstances obtains:
(a)the principal has executed the transaction;or
(b)the principal should,according to his agreement with the third party,
have executed the transaction;or
(C)the third party has executed the transaction.
2.The commission shall become due at the latest when the third party hasexecuted珥s part of the transaction or should have done SO if the principalhad executed his part of the transaction,as he should have.
3.The commission shall be paid not later than on the last day of the monthfollowing the quarter in which it became due.
4.Agreements to derogate from paragraphs 2 and 3 to the detriment of thecommercial agent shall not be permitted.
Article ll.
1•The right to commission can be extinguished 0.ay if and to the extent that:。it is established that the contract between the third party and the principalwill not be executed,and
。that face is due to a reason for which the principal is not to blan舱.
2•Any commission which the commercial agent has already received shaⅡbe
refunded if the right to it is extinguished.
3•Agreements to derogate from paragraph l to the detriment of出e
commercial agent shall not be permitted.
Artiele l2.
1•The principal shall supply his commercial agent with a statement of thecommission due,not later than the last day of the month following thequarter in which the commission has become due.This statement shall setout the main components used in calculating the aInount of commission.
2•A commercial agent shall be entitled to demand that he be provided with allthe information,and in particular an extract from the books,wllidl isavailable to his principal and which he needs in order to check山e amnlmtof山e commission due to him.
3.Agreements to derogate from paragraphs l and 2 to the defTjTTlent of thecommercial agent shall not be permitted.
States wbicll recognize the right of a commercial agent t0螂pect aprincipal's books.
CHAPTER W Conclusion and termination of the agency eontract
Article l3. .1.Ea出party shall be eDdried tO receive from the other on reque8t a 819ned而t七en doalment setdng out the terms of the agency contract ill∈Iudill9狮yte唧s subse咖agreed.Waiver。f this right shall not be p删•
2.№cwi幽tanding paragraph l a Member State may provide that鼬agency
contract shall not be valid unless evidenced in waitin9•Article l4.
An agency c0Iltract for a fixed peri。d which continues to be perf0】愈ed by b。dlpardes加山at p豳d has expired shall be deemed tO be conxrerted幽狃agency contract for an indefinite period•
Article l5.
1.Ⅵlere aIl a萨ncy contract is concluded for an indefinite period eim盯p甜t)rmay terminate it by nodce•
2.ne p豳d of n0慨shall be one month for the first year of the∞n乜act,叭。二ondls for me second year c0删nced,and dlree months for龇thirdyear coIntllCllced and subsequent years•nle parde8 IrlaLy not a铲ee onshorter periods SO notice.
3.Member States may fix the period of notice at four months for the fourthyear of the contract,five months for the fifth year and six months for thesixth and subsequent years.They may decide that the parties may not agreeto shorter periods.
4.If the parties agree on longer periods than those laid down in paragraphs 2and 3,the period of notice to be observed by the principal must not beshorter than that to be observed by the commercial agent.
5.Unless otherwise agreed by the parties,the end of the period where it isconverted under Artide l4 into an agency contract for an indefinite period,subject to the proviso that the earlier fixed period must be taken into accountin the calculation of the period of notice.
Article l6.
Nothing in this Directive shall affect the application of the law of the MemberStates where the latter provides for the immediate termination of the agencycontract:
(a)because of the failure of one party to carry out all or part of his
(b)where exceptional circumstances arise.
Article l7.
1.Member States shall take the measures necessary to ensure that thecommercial agent is,after termination of the agency contract,indemnifiedin accordance瓶山paragraph 20r compensated for damage in accordancewith paragraph 3.
2.(a)The commercial agent shall be entitled tO an indemnity if and to the
extent that:
•he has brought the principal new customers or has significantly increasedthe volume of business埘dl existing customers and the principal continuesto derive substantial benefits from the business with such customers,and•the payment of this indemnity is equitable laving regard tO all thecircumstances and,in particular,the commission lost by the commercialagent on the business transacted with such customers.Member Statesmay provide for such circumstance also to include the application orotherwise of a restraint of trade clause,within the meaning of Article 20;(b)The amount of the indemnity may not exceed a figure equivalent toan indemnity for one year calculated from the commercial agent'Saverage annual remuneration over the preceding five years and if thecontract goes back less than five years the indemnity shall becalculated on the average for the period in question;
(c)The grant of such an indemnity shall not prevent the commercial
agent from seeking damages.
3.The commercial agent shall be entitled tO compensation for the damage hesuffers as a result of the termination of his relations埘tll the principal.
Such damage shall be deemed tO occur particularly when the terminationtakes place in circumstances:
•depriving the commercial agent of the commission which properperformance of the agency contract would have procured him whilstproviding the principal with substantial benefits linked tO the commercialagent 7S actlⅥtles,and/or which have not enabled the commercial agent to amortize the costsand expenses that he had incurred for the performance of the agencycontract on the principal'S advice.
4•Entitlement to the indemnity as provided for in paragraph 20r tocompensation for damage as provided for under paragraph 3,shall alsoarise where the agency contract is terminated as a result of the commercialagent'S death.
5.The Commercial agent shall lose his entitlement to the indemnity in tlleinstances provided for under paragraph 20r to compensation for damage inthe instances provided for in paragraph 3,if within one year followingtermination of the contract of the contract he has not notified the principalthat he intends pursuing his entitlement.
6•The Commission shall submit to the council,within eight years followingthe date of notification of the Directive,a report on the implementation ofthe Artide,and shall if necessary submit to it proposals for amendments.Article l8.
The indemnity or compensation referred to in Artide l 7 shall not be payable.(a)where the principal has terminated the agency contract because ofdefault attributable to the commercial agent which would jus田
immediate termination of the agency contract under national law;
(b)where the commercial agent has terminated the agency contract.unless such termination is justified by circumstances attributable tothe principal or on grounds of age,infirmity or illness of thecommercial agent in consequence of which he cannot reasonably berequired tO continue his activities;
(c)where,with the agreement of the principal,the commercial agentassigns his rights and duties under the agency contract to anotherperson•
Article l9.
The parties may not derogate from Articles l7 and l8 tO the detriment of thecommercial agent before the agency contract expires.
Article 20.
1.For the purposes of this Directive an agreement restricting the businessactivities of a commercial agent following termination of the agency contractis hereinafter referred tO as a restraint of trade clause.
2.A restraint of trade clause shall be valid ouly if and to the extent that:
(a)it is concluded in writin9;and
(b)it relates tO the geographical area or the group of customers and thegeographical area entrusted to the commercial agent and tO the kindof goods covered by his agency under the contract.
3.A restraint of trade clause shall be valid for not more than tWO years aftertermination of the agency contract.
4.This Article shall not affect provisions of national law which impose otherrestrictions on the validity or enforceability of restraint of trade clauses orwhich enable the courts to reduce the obligations on the parties resultingfrom such an agreement.
CHAFER V General and final provisionsArticle 21.
Nothing in this Directive shall require a Member State to provide for thedisdosure of information where such disclosure would be contrary to publicpolicy.
Article 22.
1•Member States shall bring into force the provisions necessary to comply withthis Directive before l January l990.Such provisions shall apply at least toconⅡacts concluded after their entry into force.They shall apply tocontracts in operation by l January l994 at the latest.
2.As from the notification of this Directive,Member States shaⅡcomTTlllnicateto the Commission the main laws,regulations and administrative provisionswhich they adopt in the field governed by this Directive.
3•However,with regard to Ireland and the United Kingdom,1 January l 990
referred to in paragraph I shall be replaced by l January l994.
With regard to Italy,1 January l 990 shall be replaced by l January l 993 in山ecase of the obligations deriving from Article l 7.
Article 23.
This Directive is addressed to the Member States.Done in Brussels.18 DecemhPl_19RR
For the Council乃e PresidentM.JOPLING
UNIDROIT Principles of
International Commercial ContractsPreamble
Purpose of the Principles
These Principles set forth general rules for international commercial contracts.They shall be applied when the parties have agreed that their contract begoverned by them.
They may be applied when the parties have agreed that their contracts begoverned by general principles of law,the"lex mercatoria"or the like.
They may provide a solution tO an issue raised when it proves impossible tOestablish the relevant rule of applicable law.
They may be used tO interpret or supplement intemafional uniform lawinstruments.
They may serve as a model for national and international k幽lators.Chapter l General Provisions
Article l.1.
Freedom of Contract
The parties arc free tO enter into a contract and deteml;nP its content.Article l.2.
No Form Required
Nothing in these Principles requires a contract to be concluded in or e访da【K£dby writin9.It may be proved by any means,including wimesses.
Article l.3.
Binding Character of Contract
A contract validly entered into is binding upon the parties.It can ouly bemodified or terminated in accordance with its terms or by agreement or aSotherwise provided in these Principles.
Article l.4.
Mandatory Rules
Nothing in these Principles shall restrict the application of mandatory rules,whether of national,international or supranational origin,which are applicablein accordance with the relevant rules of private international law.
Article l.5.
Exclusion or Modification by the Pardes
The parties may exclude the application of these Principles or derogate from orvary the effect of any of their provisions,except as otherwise provided in thePrinciples.
Article l.6.
Interpretation and supplementation of the Principles
(1)In the interpretation of these Principles,regard is to be had to theirinternational character and to their purposes including the need topromote uniformity in their application.
(2)Issues within the scope of these Principles but not expressly setded bythem are as far as possible to be settled in accordance with theirunderlying general principles.
Article l.7.
Good Faith and Fair Dealing
(1)Each party must act in accordance with good faith and fair dealing in
international trade.
(2)The parties may not exclude or limit this duty.
Article l.8.
Usages and Practices
(1)The parties are bound by any usage to which they have agreed andby any practices which they have established between themselves.
(2)The parties are bound by a usage that is widely known to andregularly observed in international trade by parties in the particulartrade concerned except where the application of such usage would beunreasonable.
Artiele l.9.Notice
(1)Where notice is required it may be given by any means appropriate tO
d1C circumstances.
(2)A notice is efre西e when it reachcs the person to whom it is咖n.(3)For the purpose of paragraph(2)a noticc"reaches"a person whengiven to that person orally or delivered at that person'S place ofbusiness or mailing address.
(4)For the purpose of this artide"notice"indudes a dedaration.
demand,request or any other communication of intention.
Article l.10.Definitions
In these Prindples
•"court''includes an arbitral tribunal;
'where a party has more than one place of business the relevant"place ofbusiness''is that which has the dosest relationship to the contract and itsperformance,having regard to the circumstances known tO or contemplatedby the parties at any time before or at the conclusion of the contract;
•"0bligor''refers tO the party who is tO perform an obligation and"obligee''refers tO the party who is entitled tO performance of that obligation.
•"writin9''means any mode of communication that preserves a record of theinformation contained therein and is capable of being reproduced in tangibleform.
Chapter 2 FormationArticle 2.1.
Manner of Formation
A contract may be concluded either by the acceptance of an offer or by conductof the parties that is sufficient tO show agreement.
Article 2.2.
Definition of Offer
A proposal for concluding a contract constitutes an offer if it is sufficientlydefinite and indicates the intention of the offeror tO be bound iIl case ofacceptance.
Article 2.3.
Ⅵ矗thdrawal of Offer
(1)An offer becomes effective when it reaches the offeree.
(2)An offer,even if it is irrevocable,may be withdrawn if thewithdrawal reaches出e offerce before or at the same time as theoffer.
Article 2.4.
Revocation of Offer
(1)Until a contract is concluded an offer may be revoked if therevocation reaches the offeree before it has dispatched an acceptance。(2)However,an offer cannot be revoked
(a)if it indicates,whether by stating a fixed time for acceptance or
otherwise,that it is irrevocable;or
(b)if it Was reasonable for the offcrcc to rely on the offer as being
irrevocable and the offerec has acted in rcliance of the offer.
Article 2.5.
Rejection of Offer
An offer is terminated when a rejection reaches the offeror.
ArUtie 2.6.
Mode of Acceptance
(1)A statement made by or other conduct of the offeree indica血g a5sentto an offer is an acceptance. Silence or inactivity does not in itselfamount to acceptance.
(2)An acceptance of an offer becomes effecdve When血e iIldicad(m of
assent reaches the offeror.
(3)However,if,by virtue of the offer or as a result of pr池s wKcllthe parties have established between themselves or of usage.theofferee may indicate assent by performing an act without nodce t0山eofferor,the acceptance is effective when the act is perf0瑚ed.
Article 2.7.
Time of Acceptance
An offer must be accepted within the time the offeror has放ed or,if n0血ne isf.Ⅸed,within a reasonable time having regard to the circumstances,iIldudingthe rapidity of the means of communication employed by the offeror.An oraloffer must be accepted immediately unless the cl'rcRllnstances iIld池te 0出en^,ise.Anicle 2.8.
Acceptance Within a Fixed Period of弛圮
(1)A period of dme for acceptance fixed by the offeror in a telegr锄or aletter begins to run from the moment the telegram is handed in fordispatch or from the date shown on the letter or,if no such date isshown,from the date shown on the envelope.A period of time foracceptance fixed by the offeror by means of illstalltaneouScommunication begins to run from the moment that offer read:les出offeree.
(2)Oflidal holidays or non-business days occurring during the period foracceptance are induded in calculating the period.However,if anotice of acceptance cannot be delivered at the address of the offeroron the last day of the period because that day falls on an oftidalholiday or a non-business day at the place of business of the offeror,the period is extended until the first business day which follows•
Article 2.9.
Late Acceptance.Delay in Transmission
(1)A late acceptance is nevertheless effective as an acceptance if withoutundue delay the offeror SO informs the offeree or醇ves notice to thateffect.
(2)If a letter or other writing containing a late acceptance shows that ithas been sent in such circumstances that if its transmission had beennorma I it would have reached the offeror in due time,the lateacceptance is effective as all acceptance,unless without undue delay,出e 0胜ror informs the offeree that it considers the offer as havinglapsed.
Article 2.10.
Withdrawal of Acceptance
An acceptance may be withdrawn if the withdrawal reaches the offeror beforeor at the same time as the acceptance would have become effective.
Article 2.11.
Modified Acceptance
(1)A reply to an offer which purports to be aIl acceptance but contains
additions,limitations or other modifications is a rejection of the ofrerand constitutes a counter-offer.
(2)However,a reply tO an offer which purports tO be an acceptance butcontains additional or different terms which do not materially alter theterms of the offer constitutes an acceptance,unless the offeror withoutundue delay,objects to the discrepancy.If the offeror does notobject,the terms of the contract are the terms of the ofier诵山dlemodifications contained in the accepmce.
Article 2.12.
Writings in Confwmation 、Ⅱa writing which is sent within a reasonable time after the condusion of the
contract and which purports tO be a confirmation of the con廿act contaliIlsadditional or different terms,such terms become part of the contract.unlessthey materially alter the contract or the recipient,without undue delay.objectsto the discrepancy.
Article 2.13.
Conclusion of Contract Dependent on Agreement on Specific Matters or in aSpecific Form
Where in the course of negotiations one of the parties insists that the con靠act iSnot concluded until there is agreement on specific matters or in a specific form,no contract is concluded before agreement is reached on those matters or in thatform.
Article 2.14.
Contract with Terms Deliberately Left Open
(1)Ⅱthe parties intend tO conclude a contract,the fact that they
intentionally leave a term to be agreed upon in further negotiationsor to be determined by a third person does not prevent a contractfrom coming intO existence.
(2)The existence of the contract is not afrected bv tlle fact出at
(a)the parties reach no agreement on the terms:or
(b)the third person does not determine the term.provided thatthere is an alternative means of rendering the term definite thatis reasonable in the circumstances,having regard tO theintention of the parties.
Article 2.15.
Negotiations in Bad Faith
(1)A party is free to negotiate and is not liable for failure to reach aIl
(2)However,a party who negotiates or breaks off negotiations in bad
faith is liable for the losses caused tO the other party.
(3)It is bad faith,in particular,for a party tO enter into or continuenegotiations when intending not to reach Rn agreement with the otherparty.
Article 2.16.
Duty of Confidentiality
Where information is扣as confidential by one party in the course ofnegotiations,the other party is under a duty not tO disdose that information orto use it improperly for its own purposes,whether or not a contract issubsequently concluded.Where appropriate,the remedy for breach of thatduty may indude compensation based on the benefit received by the otherparty.
Article 2.17.Merger ClauseA contract in writing which contains a clause indicating that the writing
completely embodies the terms on which the pardes have agreed cannot becontradicted or supplemented by evidence of prior statements or agreements.However,such statements or agreements may be used to interpret the writin9.Article 2.18.
ⅥMtten Modification Clauses
A contract in writing which contains a clause requiring any modification ortermination by agreement to be in writing may not be otherwise modified orterminated.However,a party may be precluded by its conduct from assertingsuch a clause to the extent that the other party has acted in reliance on thatconduct.
Article 2.19.
Contracting Under Standard Terms 、(1)Where one party or both parties use standard terms in concluding acontract,the general rules of formation apply,subject to Articles2.20-2.22.r
(2)Standard terms are provisions which are prepared in advance forgeneral and repeated use by one party and which are actually usedwithout negotiation with the other party.
Article 2.20.
Surprising Terms
(1)No term contained in standard terms which is of such a character thatthe other party could not reasonably have expected it,is effectiveunless it has been expressly accepted by that party.
(2)In determining whether a term is of such a character regard is to be
had to its content,language and presentation.
Article 2.21.
Conflict Between Standard Terms and Non.Standard Terms
In case of conflict between a standard term which is not a standard term thelatter prevails.
Article 2.22.Battle of FormsW-here both parties use standard terms and reach agreement except on those
terms,a contract is concluded on the basis of the agreed terms and of anystandard terms which are common in substance unless one party dearlyindicates in advance,or later and without undue delay informs the other party,that it does not intend to be bound by such a contract.
Chapter 3 ValidityArticle 3.1.
Matters Not Covered
These Principles do not deal埘山invalidity arising from:
(a)lack of capacity;(b)lack of authority;(C)immorality or illegality.
Article 3.2.
Validity of Mere Agreement
A contract is concluded,modified or terminated by the mere agreement of theparties,without any further requirements.
Article 3.3.
Initial Impossibility
(1)The mere fact that at the dme of the conclusion of the contract theperformance of the obligation assumed Was impossible does not affectthe validity of the contract.
(2)The mere fact that at the time of the conclusion of the contract a partyWas not endfled to dispose of the assets to which the contract relatesdoes not affect the validity of the contract.
Article 3.4.
Definition of Mistake
Mistake is an elToneous assumpdon relating to facts or to law existing when thecontract was concluded.
Article 3.5.
Relevant Mistake
(1)A party may omy avoid the contract for mistake if,when the contractwas concluded,the mistake vvas of such importance that a reasonableperson in the salIle situation as the party would not have concluded itat all if the true state of affairs had been known,and
(a)the other party made the salne mistake,or caused the mistake,or knew or ought to have known of the mistake and it Wascontrary tO reasonable commercial standards of fair dealing toleave the mistaken party in error;or
(b)the other party had not at the time of avoidance acted in reliance
on the contract.
(2)However,a party may not avoid the contract if
(a)it was grossly negUgent in committing the mistake;or
(b)the mistake relates tO a matter in regard tO which the risk ofmistake Was assumed or,having regard to the circumstances,should be borne by the mistaken party.
Article 3.6.
Error in Expression or Transmission
An crror occurring in the expression or transmission of a dedaration isconsidered tO be a mistake of the person from whom the dedaration emanated.Article 3.7.
Remedies for Non.Performance
A party is not entitled to avoid the contract on the ground of mistake if thecircumstances on which that party reties afford,or could have afforded,aremedy for non-performance.
Article 3.8.Fraud
A party may avoid the contract when it has been led to conclude the contractby妇other party's fraudulent representation,including language or practices,or fraudulent non。disdosure of circumstances which,according tO reasonablecommercial standards of fair dealin9,the latter party should have disdosed.
Article 3.9.Tkeat
A party may avoid the contract when it has been led to conclude the contractby the other party'S unjustified threat which,having regard tO thecircumstances,is SO imminent and serious as to leave the first party noreasonable alternafive.In particular,a threat is unjustified if the act oromission with which a party has been threatened is wrongful in itseⅡ.0r iswrong tO use it as a means to obtain the conclusion of the contract.
Article 3.10.
Gross Disparity
(1)A party may avoid the contract or an individual term of it if,at thetime of the conclusion of the contract,the contract term u巧us血ablygave the other party an excessive advantage.Regard is tO be had,among other factors,tO
(a)the fact that the other party has taken unfair advantage of the firstparty7 s dependence,economic distress or urgent needs,or of itsimprovidence,ignorance,inexperience or lack of bargainingskill;and
(b)the nature and purpose of the contract.
(2)Upon the request of the party entitled tO avoidance,a court mayadapt the contract or term in order tO make it accord with reasonablecommercial standards of fair dealin9.
(3)A court may also adapt the contract or term upon the request of theparty receiving notice of avoidance,provided that that party informsthe other party of its request promptly after receiving such notice andbefore the other party has acted in reliance on it.乃e provisiom ofArtide 3.13(2)apply accordingly.
Article 3.Il.md Persons(1)Whcrc fraud,threat,gross dispafity or a party 7 S mistake is imputable
t0,or is known or ought tO be known by,a third person for whoseacts the other party is responsible,the contract may be avoided underthe sanlc conditions as if the behaviour or knowledge had been that ofthe party itself.
(2)Whcre fraud,threat or gross d@afity is imputable tO a third personfor whose acts the other party is not responsible,the contract may beavoided if that party knew or ought tO have known of the fraud,threat or disparity,or has not at the time of avoidance acted inreliance on the contract.
Article 3.12.ConfirmationⅡdle party entitled to avoid the contract expressly or impliedly confirms the
contract after the period of time for蛐g notice of avoidance has begun tOrun,avoidanCC of contract is excluded.
Article 3.13.
Loss of Right tO Avoid
(1)If a party is entitled to avoid the contract for mistake but the otherparty declares itself willing tO perform or performs the contract as itWas understood by the party entitled tO avoidance,the contract isconsidered to have been concluded as the latter party understood it.硒e other party must make such a dedaration or render suchperformance promptly after having been informed of the mRl2xlcr in
which the party enfided to avoidance had understood the contract andbefore that party has acted in reliance on a notice of avoidance.
(2)After such a declaration or performance the right to avoidance is lost
and any earlier notice of avoidance is ineffective.
Article 3.14.
Notice of Avoidalice
The right of a party to avoid the contract is exercised by notice to the otherparty。
Article 3.15.‰e Limits(1)Notice of avoidance shall be given within a reasonable time,having
regard to the circumstances,after the avoiding party knew or couldnot have been unaware of the relevant facts or became capable ofacting freely.
(2)Where an individual term of the contract may be avoided by a partyunder Article 3.10,the period of time for giving notice of avoidancebegins to run when that term is asserted by the other party.
Article 3.16.
Partial Avoidance
Where a ground of avoidance affects ouly individual terms of the contract,theeffect of avoidance is limited to those terms unless,having regard to thecircumstances,it is unreasonable to uphold the remaining contract.
Article 3.17.
Retroactive Effect of Avoid砒'lce
(1)Avoidance takes effect retroactively.
(2) On avoidance either party may daim restitufion of whatever iSsuppfied under the contract or the part of it avoided,provided that itconcurrendy makes restitution of whatever it has received under thecontract or the part of it avoided or,if it cannot make restitution inkind,it makes an allowance for what it has receiVed.
Article 3.18.Damages
Irrespective of whether or not the contract has,been avoided,the party whoknew or ought tO have known of the ground for avoidance is liable for damagesSO a8 to put the other party in the same position in which it would have been ifit had not concluded the contract.
ArticIe 3.19.
Mandatory Character of the Provisions
The provisions of this Chapter are mandatory,except insofar as they relate tothe binding force of mere agreement,initial impossibility or mistake.
Article 3.20.
Unilateral Dedarations
The provisions of this Chapter apply with appropriate adaptations tO anycommunication of intention addressed by one party tO the other.
Chapter 4 InterpretationArticle 4.1.
Intention of the Parties
(1)A contract shall be interpreted according tO the common intention of
the parties.
(2)If such an intention cannot be established,the contract shall beinterpreted according tO the meaning that reasonable persons of thesame kind as the parties would西ve tO it in the same circumstances.Article 4.2.
Interpretation of Statements and Other Conduct
(1)The statements and other conduct of a party shall be interpretedaccording tO that partySintention if the other party knew or couldnot have been unaware of that intention.
(2)If the preceding paragraph is not applicable,such staten-tents andother conduct shall be interpreted according tO the meaning that areasonable person of the same kind as the other party would give tOit in出e same circumstances.
Article 4.3.
Relevant Circumstances
In applying Articles 4.1 and 4.2,regard shall be had to all the circumstances,includin9:
(a)preliminary negotiations between the parties;
(b)practices which the parties have established between themselves;
(C)the conduct of the parties subsequent tO the conclusion of thecontract;
(d)the nature and purpose of the contract;
(e)the meaning commonly given to terms and expressions in the trade
Article 4.4.
Reference to Contract or Statement as a M仍ole
Terms and expressions shall be interpreted in the light of the whole contract orstatement in which they appear.
Article 4.5.
All Terms to be Given E任.ect
Contract terms shall be interpreted SO as tO give effect to all the terms ratherthan to deprive some of them of effect.
Article 4.6.
Contra Proferentem RLlle
If contract terms supplied by one party are unclear,an interpretation againstthat party is preferred.
Article 4.7.
Linguistic Discrepancies
Where a contract is drawn up in two or more language versions which areequally。authoritative there is,in case of discrepancy between the versions,apreference for the interpretation according to a version in which the contractwas originally drawn up.
Arntie 4.8.
Supplying an Omitted Term
(1)Where the parties tO a contract have not agreed with respect tO a term
which is important for a determination of their rights and duties,aterm which is appropriate in the circumstances shall be supplied.
(2)In determining what is an appropriate term regard shall be had,
among other factors tO
(a)the intention of the parties;
(b)the nature and purpose of the contract;(C)good faith and fair dealin9;
Chapter 5 ContentArtiele 5.1.
EXpress and Implied Obligations
The contractual obligations of the parties may be express or implied.Article 5.2.
Implied Obligations
Implied obligations stem from:
(a)the nature and purpose of the contract;
(b)practices established between the parties and usages;(C)good faith and fair dealin9;
Article 5。3.
C0-operation between the Parties
Each party shall∞一0perate而dl the other party when such C0'operation mayreasonably be expected for the performance of that party'S obligations.
Article 5.4.
Duty to Achieve a Specific Result.Duty of Best Efforts
(1)To the extent that an obligation of a party involves a duty tO achieve
a specific result,that party is bound to achieve that result.
(2)To the extent that an obligation of a party involves a duty of bestefforts in the performance of an activity,that party is bound tO makesuch efforts as would be made by a reasonable person of the samekind in the same circumstances.
Article 5.5.
Determination of Kind of Duty Involved
In determining the extent to which an obligation of a party involves a duty ofbest efforts in the performance of an activity or dut)r to achieve a specific result,regard shall be had,among other factors,tO
(a)the way in which the obligation is expressed in the contract;(b)the contractual price and other terms of the contract;
(c)the degree of risk normally involved in achieving the expected result;(d)the ability of the other party tO influence the performance of theobligation.
Artide 5.6.
Determination of晒aJity of Performance
Where the quality of performance is neither fixed by,nor deteTllninable 6的m.dle contract a party is bound to render a performance of a quality dmt iSreasonable and not less than average in the circumstances.
Article 5.7.
Price Determination
(1)Where a contract does not fix or make provision for detemin;n9‰
price,the parties are considered,in the absence of any indication tome∞ntrary,to have made reference to the price generally charged atthe time of the conclusion of the contract for such p耐.0瑚胍ce illcomparable circumstances in the trade concerned or,if llo such priceis available,to a reasonable price.
(2) Where the price is to be determined by one Party and thatdetermination is manifesdy unreasonable,a reasonable price sl珊besubstituted notwithstanding any contract term to the contrary.
(3)Where the price is to be fixed by a third person,and that person
cannot or will not do S0,the price shall be a reasonable price.
(4)Where the price is to be fixed by reference to f狐ors wllidl do llotexist or have ceased to exist or to be accessible,the nearcst equiv爿lPntfactor shall be treated as a substitute.
Article 5.8.
Contract for an Indefinite Period
A con廿act for an indefinite period may be ended by either party by咖吨
Chapter 6 Performance
Section l Performance in GeneralArticle 6.1.1.
Time of Performance
A party must perform its obligations:
(a)if a time is fixed by or determinable from the contract,at that time;(b)if a period of time is fixed by or determinable from the contract,atany time within that period unless circumstances indicate that theother party is tO choose a time;
(c)in any other Ease,within a reasonable time after the conclusion of the
Article 6.1.2.
Performance at one Time or in Instalments
In cases under Article 6.1(b)or(C),a party must perform its obligations atorlc time if that performance call be rendered at one time ad the circumstancesdo not indicate otherwise.
Article 6.1.3.
Partial PerleIrmancc
(1)The obligee may reject an offer tO perform in part at the timeperformance is due,whether or not such offer is coupled with anassurance as to the balance of the performance,Ul"Ilcss the obligeehas no legitimate interest in SO doin9.
(2)Additional expenses caused to the obligee by partial performance arc
to be borne by the obligor without prejudice to any other remedy.
Article 6.1.4.
Order of Performance
(1)To dle extent that the performances of the parties can be renderedsimultaneously,the parties arC bound to render them simultaneouslyunless the circumstances indicate otherwise.
(2) To the extent that the performance of only one party requires aperiod of time,that party is bound to render its performance first,unless the circumstances indicate otherwise.
Article 6.1.5.
Earlier Performancc
(1)ne obligee may reject an earlier performance unless it has no
legitimate interest in SO doin9.
(2)Acceptability by a party of an earlier performance does not affect thetime for the performance of its OWll obligations if that time has beenfixed irrespective of the performance of the other party'S obligations.(3)Additional expenseS caused to the obligee by earlier performance areto be borne by the obligor,without prejudice to any other remedy.Article 6.1.6.
Place of Performance
(1)Ⅱthe place of performance is neither fixed by,nor determinable from
the contract,a party is to perform:
(a)a monetary obligation,at the obligee 7 S place of business;(b)any other obligation,at its own place of business.
(2)A party must bear any increase in the expenses incidental to
performance which is caused by a change in its place of businesssubsequent tO the conclusion of the contract.
Article 6.1.7.
Payment by Cheque or other Instrument
(1)Payment may be made in any form used in the ordinary course of
business at the place for payment.
(2)However,an obligee who accepts,either by virtue of paragraph(1)or voluntarily,a cheque,any other order tO Pay or a promise tOpay,is presumed to do SO only on condition that it will be honoured.Article 6.1.8.
Payment by Funds Transfer
(1)Unless the obUgee has indicated a particular account,payment maybe made by a transfer tO any of the financial institutions in which theobligee has made it known that it has an account.
(2)In caSE of payment by a transfer of the obligation of the obligor isdischarged when the transfer tO the obligee'S financial institutionbecomes effective.
Article 6.1.9.
Currency of Payment
(1)If a monetary obligation is expressed in a currency other than that ofthe place of payment,it may be paid by the obligor in the currency ofthe place for payment unless:
(a)the currency is freely convertible;or
(b)the parties have agreed that payment should be made only in the
currency in which the monetary obligation is expressed.
(2)If it is impossible for the obligor to make payment in the currency inwhich the monetary obfigadon is expressed,the obfigee may requirepayment in the CUlTCDCy of the place for payment,evcn in the casereferred to in paragraph(1)(b).
(3)Payment in the currency of the place for payment is to be madeaccording to the applicable ratc of exchange prevailing there whenpayment is due.
(4)However,if the obligor has not paid at the time when payment isdue,the obligee may require payment according to the applicable rateof exchange prevailing either when payment is due or at the time ofactual payment.
Article 6.1.10.
Currency Not Expressed
Where a monetary obligation is not expressed in a particular currency,payment must be made in the currcncy of the place where payment is to bemade.
Article 6.1.11.
Costs of Performance
Each party shall bear the costs of performance of its obligations.Article 6.1.12.
Imputation of Payments
(1)An obligor owing several monctary obligations to the same obligeemay specify at the time of payment the debt to which it intends thepayment to be applied.However,the payment discharges first anyexpenses,then interest due and finally the principal.
(2)If the obligor makes no such specification,the obligee may,within a。reasonable time after payment,declare to the obligor the obligation tOwhich it imputes the payment,provided that the obligation is due andundisputed.
(3)In the absence of imputation under paragraphs(1)or(2),paymentis imputed tO that obligation which satisfies one of the followingcriteria and in the order indicated:
(a)an obligation which is due or which is the first to fall due;(b)the obligation for which the obligee has least security;
(C)the obligation which is the most burdensome for the obligor;(d)the obligation which has arisen first.
If none of the preceding criteria applies。payment is imputed tO all theobligations proportionally.
Article 6.1.13.
Imputation of Non-Monetary Obligations
Artide 6.1.12.applies with appropriate adaptations tO the imputation ofperformance of non•monetary obligations.
Article 6.1.14.
Application for Public Permission
Where the law of a State requires a public permission affecting the validity ofthe contract or its performance and neither that law nor the circumstancesindicate otherwise.
(a)if ol坶one party has its place of business in that State,that party shall
take the measures necessary to obtain the permission;
(b)in any other case the party whose performance requires permission
shall take the necessary measures.
ArUele 6.1.15.
Procedure in Applying for Permission
(1)The party required to take the measures necessary to obtain thepermission shall do SO without undue delay and shall bear anyexpenses incurred.
(2)That party shall whenever appropriate give the other party notice of
the grant or refusal of such permission without undue delay.
Article 6.1.16.
Permission Neither Granted Nor Refused
(1)If,notwithstanding the fact that the party responsible has taken allmcasurcs required,permission is neither granted nor refused withinan agreed period or,whcrc no period has been agreed,within areasonable time from the conclusion of the contract,either Party isentitled to terminate the contract.
(2)Where the permission affects some terms only,paragraph(1)doesnot apply if,having regard to the circumstances,it is reasonable touphold the remaining contract cven if the permission is refused.
Article 6.1.17.
Permission Refused
(1)The refusal of a permission affecting the validity of the contractrenders the contract void.If the refusal affects the validity of somcterms only,only such terms arC void if,having regard to thecircumstances,it is reasonable to uphold the remaining contract.
(2)Whcrc the refusal of a permission renders the performance of thecontract impossible in whole or in part,the rules on non•
performance apply.
Section 2 HardshipArticle 6.2.1.
Contract tO be Observed
Where the performance of a contract becomes more onerous for one of theparties,that party is nevertheless bound tO perform its obligations subject tO thefollowing provisions on hardship.
Article 6.2.2.
Definition of Hardship
There is hardship where the occurrence of events fundamentally alters theequilibrium of the contract either because the COSt of a party'S performance hasincreased or because the value of the performance a party receives hasdiminished,and
(a)the events occur or become known tO the disadvantaged Party after
the conclusion of the contract;
(b)the events could not reasonably have been taken intO account by the
disadvantaged Party at the time of the conclusion of the contract;(C)the events are beyond the control of the disadvantaged party;and(d)the risk of the events was not assumed by the disadvantaged Party.Article 6.2.3.
Effects of Hardship
(1)In case of hardship the disadvantaged party is entitled tO requestrenegofiations.The request shall be made without undue delay andshall indicate the grounds on which it is based.
(2)The request for renegotiation does not itself entide the disadvantaged
party to withhold performance.
(3)Upon failure to reach agreement within a reasonable time either party
may resort to the court.
(4)If the court finds hardship it may,if reasonable,
(a)terminate the contract at a date and on terms to be fixed;or(b)adapt the contract with a view to restoring its equilibrium.Chapter 7 Non-Performance
Section l Non.Performance in GeneralArticle 7.1.1.
Non-Performance Defmed
Non-performance is failure by a party to perform any of its obfigations underthe contract,including defective performance or late performance.
Article 7.1.2.
Interference by the Other Party
A party may not rely Oil the non-performance of the other party to the extentthat such nonlperformance Was caused by the first party's act or omission or byanother event as to which the first party bears the risk.
Article 7.1.3.
Withholding Performance
(1)Where the parties arC to perform simultaneously,either Party maywithhold performance until the other party tenders performance.
(2)Wherc the parties are to perform consecutively,the party that is toperform later may withhold its performance until the first party hasperformed.
Article 7.1.4.
Cure by Non-Performing Party
(1)The non-performing party may,at its own expense,cure any non-
performance,provided that
(a)without undue delay,it gives notice indicating the proposed
manner and timing of the cure;
(b)cure is appropriate in the circumstances;
(c)the aggrieved party has no legitimate interest in refusing cure;
(d)cure is effected promptly.
(2)The right tO cure is not precluded by notice of termination.
(3)Upon effective notice of cure,rights of the aggrieved party that arcinconsistent with the nonperformin0g party 7 S performances aresuspended until the time for cure has expired.
(4)The aggrieved party may withhold performance pending cure.
(5)Notwithstanding cure,the aggrieved party retains the right tO daimdamages for delay as weU as for any harm caused or not prevented bythe cure.
Article 7.1.5.
Additional Period for Perfofinance
(1)In a case of non-performance the aggrieved party may by notice tothe other party allow an additional period of time for performance.(2)During the additional period the aggrieved party may withholdperformance of its own reciprocal obfigafions and may claim damagesbut may not resort tO any other remedy.If it receives notice fromthe other party that the latter will not perform within that period,or
upon expiry of that period due performance has not been mafle.the aggrieved party may resort to any of the remedies that n琊beavailable under this Chapter.
(3)Where in a case of delay in performance Wlli出iS not‰d锄ental山eaggrieved Party has咖en notice allowing an additional period of timeof reasonable length,it may terminate the con汀act at出e elld of出atperiod.Ⅱthe addidonal period allowed iS not of reasonable len舳itshall be extended to a reasonable length.The aggrieved party may inis notce provide that if the other party fails to perform埘miIl dleperiod allowed by the notce the contact shall aut0Ⅱladca I Ivterminate.
(4)Paragraph(3)does not apply where the obli洳wKdl l瑚notbeen performed is ouly a minor part of the con竹actual obfigadon ofthe non。performing party.
Artide 7.1.6.
Exemption ClanseS
A clause which]imis or excludes one party's fiabmty for non.Performance orwhich permis one party to tender performance substanually different矗Dm whatdle other party reasonably expected may not be invoked if it would be grosslyunfair to do S0,having regard to the purpose of the con缸act.
Ar廿cle 7.1.7.Force M勾eure(1)Non'performance by a party is excused if that party proves dlat出e
non-performance Was due to an impediment beyond is∞n廿ol aIldthat it could not reasonably be expected to have taken the impef{;mPntinto account at the time of the conclusion of the con缸.act or to haveavoided or overcome it or is consequences.
(2)When the impediment is only temporary,the excuse shall have effectfor such period as is reasonable having regard to the effect of theimpediment on performance of the contract.
(3)The party who fails tO perform must give notice tO the other party ofthe impediment and its effect on its ability tO perform.If the notice isnot received by the other party within a reasonable time after theparty who fails tO perform knew or ought to have known of theimpediment,it is liable for damages resulting from such non-receipt.(4)Nothing in this article prevents a party from exercising a right toterminate the contract or to withhold performance or request intereston money due.
Section 2 Right to PerformanceArticle 7.2.1.
Performance of monetary Obligation
Where a party who is obliged tO pay money does not do S0,the other mayrequire payment.
Article 7.2.2.
Performance of Non-Monetary Obligation
Where a party who owes an obfigafion other than one tO Pay money does notperform,the other party may require performance,unless
(a)performance is impossible in law or fact;
(b)performance or,where relevant,enforcement is unreasonably
burdensome or expensive;
(C)the party entitled to performance may reasonably obtain performance
from another sourcc;
(d)performance is of an exclusively personal character;or
(e)the party enfided to performance does not require performance withina reasonable time after it has,or ought to have,become aware of thenon-performance.
Article 7.2.3.
Repair and Replacement of Defective Performance
The right to performance includes in appropriate cases the right to requirerepair,replacement,or other cure of defective performance.nle provisions ofArticles 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 apply accordingly.
Article 7.2.4.Judicial Penalty(1)Wherc the court orders a party to perform,it may also direct that
this party pay a penalty if it does not comply埘吐l the order.
(2)ne penalty shall be paid to the aggrieved party unlcss mandatoryprovisions of the law of the forum provide otherwise.Payment of thepenalty to the aggrieved party does not exclude any claim fordamages.
Article 7.2.5.
Change of Remedy
(1)An aggrieved party who has required performance of a non-monetaryobfigation and who has not received performance within a periodfixed or otherwise within a reasonable period of time may invoke anyother remedy.
(2)Whcrc the decision of a court for performance of a non-monetaryobfigation cannot be enforced,the aggrieved party may invoke anyother remedy.Section 3 TernlinationArticle 7.3.1.
Right tO Terminate the Contract
(1)A party may terminate the contract where the failure of the otherparty tO perform an obfigation under the contract amounts tO afundamental performance.
(2)In determining whether a failure tO perform an obligation amOunts tOa fundamental nonperformance regard shall be had,in particular,towhether
(a)the non-performance substantially deprives the aggrieved party ofwhat it was entitled tO expect under the contract unless the otherparty did not foresee and could not reasonably have foreseensuch result;
(b)strict compliance with the obligation which has not been
performed is of essence under the contract;
(C)the non-performance is intentional or reckless;
(d)the non-performance gives the aggrieved party reason tO believe
that it cannot rely on the other party 7 S furore performance;
(e)the non-performing party will suffer disproportionate loss as aresult of the preparation or performance if the contract isterminated.
(3)In the case of delay the aggrieved party may also terminate thecontract if the other party fails to perform before the time allowedunder Artide 7.1.5 has expired.
Article 7.3.2.
Notice of Termination
(1)ne right of a party tO terminate the contract is exercised by notice to
the other party.
(2)If performance has been offered late or otherwise does not confornl tothe contract the aggrieved party will lose its right to terminate thecontract unless it gives notice to the other Party within a reasonabletime after it has or ought tO have become aware of the non-conforming performance.
Article 7.3.3.
Anticipatory Non-Performance
Where prior to the date for performance by one of the parties it is dear thatthere will be a fundamental non-performance by that party,the other partymay terminate the contract.
Article 7.3.4.
Adequate Assurance of Due Performance
A party who reasonably believes that there will be a fundamental non-performance by the other party may demand adequate assurance of dueperformance and may meanwhile withhold its own performance.Where thisassurance is not provided within a reasonable time the party demanding it mayterminate the contract.
Article 7.3.5.
Effects of Termination in General
(1)Termination of the contract releases both parties from their obligation
tO effect and tO receive future performance.
(2)Termination does not preclude a claim for damages for non-
(3)Termination does not affect any provision in the contract for thesettlement of disputes or any other term of the contract which is tooperate cvcn after termination.
Article 7.3.6.Restitution
(1)On termination of contract either party may daim restitution ofwhatever it has supplied,provided that such party concurrentlymakes restitution of whatever it has received.If restitution in kind isnot possible or appropriate allowance should be made in moneywhenever reasonable.
(2)However,if performance of the contract has extended over a periodof time and the contract is divisible,such restitution can ol蚵beclaimed for the period after termination has taken effect.
Section 4 DamagesArticle 7.4.1.
Right to Damages
Any non'performance gives the aggrieved party a right to damages eitherexclusively or in conjunction with any other remedies except where the non-performance is excused under these Principles.
Article 7.4.2.
Full Compensation
(1)The aggrieved party is entitled tO full compensation for harmsustained as a result of the nonperformance.Such harm includesboth any loss which it suffered and any gain of which it Wasdeprived,taking into account any乎IiIl tO the aggrieved partyresulting from its avoidance of cost or harm.
(2)Such harm may be non-pecuniary and indudes,for妇忉n蛾
physical suffering or emotional distress.
Artiele 7.4.3.
Certainty of Harm
(1)Compensation is due only for harm,including future harm,that is
established with a reasonable degree of certainty.
(2)Compensation may be due for the loss of a chance in proportion tO
the stability of its occurrence.
(3)Whcre the amount of damages cannot be established with a sufficientdegree of certainty,the assessment is at the discretion of the court.Article 7.4.4.
Foreseeability of Harm
The non-performing party is liable only for harm which it foresaw or couldreasonably have foreseen at the time of the conclusion of the contract as beinglikely to result from its non-performance.
Article 7.4.5.
Proof of Harm in case of Replacement Transaction
Where the aggrieved party has terminated the contract and has made areplacement transaction within a reasonable time and in a reasonable maTlnPr itmay recover the difference between the contract price and the price of thereplacement transaction as well as damages for any further harm.
Article 7.4.O.
Proof of Harm by Current Price
(1)Where the aggrieved party has terminated the contract and has notmade a replacement transaction but there is a current price for theperformance contracted for,it may recover the difference between thecontract price and the price current at the time the contract isterminated as well as damages for any further harm.
(2)Current price is the price generally charged for goods delivered orservices rendered in comparable circumstances at the place where thecontract should have been performed or,if there is no current priceat that place,the current price at such other place that appearsreasonable to take as a reference.
Article 7.4.7.
Harm Due in Part tO Aggrieved Party
Where the harm is due in part to an act or omission of the aggrieved party orto another event as to which that party bears the risk,the amount of damagesshaⅡbe reduced tO the extent that these factors have contributed tO the harm,having regard to the conduct of the parties.
Article 7.4.8.
Mitigation of Harm
(1)The non-performing party is not liable for harm suffered by theaggrieved party tO the extent that the harm could have been reducedby the latter party'S taking reasonable steps.
(2)The aggrieved party is entitled tO recover any expenses reasonably
incurred in attempting tO reduce the harm.Article 7.4.9.
Interest for Failure to Pay Money
(1)In a party does not pay a sum of money when it falls due theaggrieved party is entitled to interest upon that sum from the timewhen payment is due to the time of payment whether or not thenonpayment is excused.
(2)The rate of interest shall be the average bank short-term lending rateto prime borrowers prevailing for the currency of payment at theplace for payment,or where no such rate exists at that place,thenthe same rate in the State of the CUrrency of payment.In the absenceof such a rate at either place the rate of interest shall be theappropriate rate fixed by the law of the State of the currency ofpayment.
(3)The aggrieved party is entitled to additional damages if the non-
payment caused it a greater harm.
Article 7.4.10.
Interest on Damages
Unless otherwise agreed,interest on damages for non-performance of non-monetary obligations accrues as from the time of non-performance.
Article 7.4.11.
Manner of Monetary Redress
(1)Damages are to be paid in a lump sum.However,they may bepayable in instalments where the nature of the harm makes thisappropriate.
(2)Damages to be paid in instalments may be indexed.Article 7.4.12.
Currency in which to Access Damages
Damages are to be assessed either in the currency in which the monetaryobligation was expressed or in the currency in which the harm Was suffered,whichever is more appropriate.
Article 7.4.13.
Agreed Payment for Non-Performance
(1)Where the contract provides that a party who does not perform is topay a specified slim to the aggrieved party for such non-performance,the aggrieved Party is entitled to that sum irrespective of its actualharm.
(2)However,notwithstanding any agreement to the contrary thespecified sum may be reduced to a reasonable amount where it isgrossly excessive in relation to the harm resulting from thenonperformance and to the other circumstances. APPENDIX 3
Indications of national
laws on commercial agency
The purpose of this list is to inform the which contain rules protec to help the parties to identify statutes which 6econsidered when drafting the contract,particularly
this reason many countries which have厂ules on ot protect the latter through mandatory rules,Chili,Japan)have not been included i凡the list.In fac£舭purpose of the list is to draw the attention of the user uponpotentially dangerous situations, not to inform.
here(because they do not have mandatory rules on agents),haveprovisions protecting agents which are considered as employees(e.g.Argentina).
We have tried, also in collaboration with the ICC NationalCommittees,make the list hereunder as exhaustive as possible,However,we cannot warrant that all countries having mandatory ruleson agency are included,nor that the statutes indicated hereunder areupdated.It is therefore recommended that user$take the informationgiven hereunder simply as a first indication meant to facilitate a morein-depth research of the domestic law of the country they are interestedin
Law 21 January l9880n agency contracts,which implements the EC Directive86/6530n commercial agents.
Law l3 April l 9950n commercial agency,which implements the EC Direcfive86/6530n commerdal agents.
Law n.48860f 9 December l9650n commercial agents modified by law n.84200f 8 May l992.

国际商会中国国家委员会(ICC CHINA)成立于1995年,是国际商会(ICC)在中国的成员组织,由中国从事国际经贸业务的各种行业、各种性质的企业、组织组成,其主要职责为向中国企业界推广国际惯例、介绍国际先进管理技术和经验;组织会员参加ICC及其他国际组织制订国际经贸规则的工作;代表会员向政府反映对影响企业运营的各种经贸政策、法律的意见等。